Chapter 131: Are You Jealous?_1

The bad blood between Li Mingxun and Situ Hao ended with a mutual kick to each other.

Li Mingxun stumbled back several steps before steadying himself, while Situ Hao only took one step backwards, seeming to have the upper hand.

"Li Mingxun, our war will not stop."

Situ Hao smirked provocatively at Li Mingxun before getting into his car and speeding off.

He knew well that if the fight continued, he wouldn't gain an advantage either.

He hadn't expected Li Mingxun to be so skilled that even he, a seasoned figure in society, could only fight him to a draw.

Li Mingxun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and turned to walk towards the front door.

Luo Qianxun felt heartache seeing the injuries on his face, but she didn't show it. Instead, she spoke mockingly, "Does it make sense to fight like a child?"

"Luo Qianxun, where have you been with him?"

Li Mingxun grabbed Luo Qianxun's wrist, pulling her up against a wall.

"What, do I have to report my whereabouts to you now?"