Chapter 149: Don't Want to Fall Out with Him_1

Quan Zehao is thinking too simply," Li Mingxun shook his head, "Jiang Xinjie was once pregnant with my child, but unfortunately, she miscarried. She has always hoped that I could divorce and marry her. If I put it this way, she definitely wouldn't accept it."

If Shen Liya and Qiao Yonghui find out, they won't let this matter go so easily.

"If you don't want to hurt Jiang Xinjie, you can only hurt Luo Qianxun."

Quan Zehao slightly furrowed his brow, "Mingxun, think it over. Luo Qianxun is still legally your wife, and your child will be born in few months."

"I have it figured out."

Li Mingxun loosened the tie around his neck, "Let's not talk about these troubles. How long are you here this time? Let's arrange a day to gather at Shaohan's place."

"Okay, the day after tomorrow."

Quan Zehao agreed.

Li Mingxun's mobile phone rang, he picked up the phone and saw that it was a call from Jiang Xinjie, he slightly frowned as he answered, "Xinjie."