Chapter 192 Keeping Distance Deliberately_1

Throughout the meal, Bai Xiaolian was extraordinarily careful, afraid she might inadvertently drop food into Quan Zehao's bowl again.

Luo Qianxun was oblivious to the undercurrents between her and Quan Zehao, and kept making conversation involving the two of them.

Xiaolian's face was agonizingly awkward; she hinted to Luo Qianxun, who thought she was just being shy.

"Xiaolian, don't be shy. We all know each other well, you can relax."

Luo Qianxun's words made Bai Xiaolian internally moan. Why was Qianxun, who was usually so sharp, being so oblivious today?

Quan Zehao's gaze subtly slid over Bai Xiaolian's face. Shy? How could a woman like her be shy?

She had just asked him for a house and money. This woman was quite a performer.

"Uh ... I …"

Bai Xiaolian awkwardly smiled, stood up, "Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom."

She left her seat and walked towards the nearby restroom.

If she stayed seated any longer, she felt like her chair would grow needles to prick her.