Chapter 233: Humbling Himself to Please Her_1

"You're pregnant, you shouldn't be doing this heavy lifting."

Quan Zehao pushed Bai Xiaolian aside, "You go sit and rest, I'll move these flower pots."

"Whatever you like."

Bai Xiaolian went back inside, shutting the door behind her.

Quan Zehao looked at the closed door, heaved a sigh, and started moving the flower pots to the hallway.

"Xiaolian, there's a heavy storm coming tonight, don't go out."

"You don't need to worry about me."

Bai Xiaolian retorted directly at Quan Zehao, who did he think he was, interfering in her business?

"I'm doing this for your own good. Xiaolian, you're pregnant now; whatever you do, you have to consider the child first."

The more Quan Zehao said this, the more suffocated Bai Xiaolian felt. She ended up putting in earplugs to listen to music, ignoring him.

Having stood outside the door for a few minutes and hearing no movement from inside, he realized she didn't want to acknowledge him, so he reluctantly left for the guesthouse.