Chapter 235 Really feel sorry for her? _1

"Quan Zehao, there is a snake in my room..."

Bai Xiaolian, seeing the snake beginning to slither, cried out in fear, "It's starting to move."

"Don't be scared, I'll be right there."

Quan Zehao got up and walked out. He didn't know how to catch snakes, so he hired a staff member from the guesthouse to come help.

"Hurry up, I'm so scared it might bite me. I don't know if it's poisonous."

The crying strain in Bai Xiaolian's voice showed how helpless she felt.

"I'm on my way. Don't move around. It won't attack you."

Quan Zehao walked swiftly towards her living place, under an umbrella, comforting Bai Xiaolian.

"Quan Zehao, there's a key under the flower pot outside the main door. Use it to get in."

This was a shared habit of Bai Xiaolian and Luo Qianxun. She didn't expect it to come in handy this time.

The snake had its eyes pinned on her and she didn't dare to move. If Quan Zehao had broken the door, it would have startled the snake. No one knew what might happen next.