Chapter 253 Stay Away From Her_1

"We planned for the weekend, but I felt like going today, and Li Mingxun was okay with it, so here we are."

Luo Qianxun said with a giggle, "I brought a lot of stuff for you, we'll be there in a few minutes."

"Alright, I'll meet you at the junction, this place is quite tricky to find."

Bai Xiaolian got up and went outside; in this tiny village, where there weren't even door numbers, finding someone required asking around.

Quan Zehao returned with a bag of fertilizer, only to find Bai Xiaolian heading in a different direction. He quickly put the bag down by the doorstep and caught up with her, "Xiaolian, where are you headed?"

"Qianxun has arrived, I'm going to meet him."

Bai Xiaolian turned her head to look at Quan Zehao, "When they leave, go with them."

"Why are you so intent on getting rid of me?"

Quan Zehao seemed quite helpless, "I like it here. It's scenic and tranquil; I'm basically on vacation."

"You can vacation all you want, just stay away from me."