Chapter 268 - How Can He Be Deceived_1

"Actually, most of the time, it's Zehan who drags me into playing pranks on people, I'm just going along with him."

Quan Zehao shrugged, "He loves to joke around a lot more than I do. Our characters are quite different, but as long as it's not too much, I'll let him be."

He, too, had been scolded by his parents for mischievous antics, always as the accomplice. But as the older brother, he had always protected his younger sibling from small to big.

"You two brothers must get along very well."

Bai Xiaolian was envious. Despite being siblings, her brother Bai Xiaojun never respected her.

Her parents took advantage of her, largely because of her good-for-nothing brother.

Fortunately, it's all over now. They took the money and the house and, fearing that she would want them back, would likely not contact her voluntarily.

"Once you're at the Quan family home, you'll find everyone is very welcoming."