Chapter 331: Couldn't Save the Child_1

Outside the Operating Room

Bai Xiaolian anxiously paced back and forth by the door, "It's been so long, why hasn't Qianxun's surgery finished yet?"

"Miss Bai, it's my fault. I went out to buy groceries and Madam fell down the stairs."

Momma Sun began to cry frightfully. Luo Qianxun had fainted, and no one knew what happened.

"Momma Sun, stop crying, you're making me anxious."

Bai Xiaolian restrained Momma Sun from crying further, turned to Quan Zehao, and asked, "Zehao, have you managed to get through to Li Mingxun?"

"I've called, but no one answered. It must be on silent."

Quan Zehao's brows slightly furrowed, the outcome of this incident may not be too good; he wanted to notify Li Mingxun, but he couldn't get through.

"What about calling his assistant?"

Bai Xiaolian grew more anxious, "Why the hell is his phone on silent at such a critical time?"