Chapter 347 The Boy Resembles the Mom, the Girl Resembles the Dad_1

Yes, Luo Qianxun had not miscarried that year.

But she was afraid Li Mingxun would harm her again, so she pleaded with Bai Lang to publicly announce her miscarriage.

After all, she was pregnant and would be found out if she didn't leave, so she agreed to leave with Situ Hao.

She knew Situ Hao could protect her and her baby, and she knew Bai Lang would keep her secret.

After eating burgers, Situ Hao drove the children to the amusement park, letting them play heartily.

Luo Qianxun, looking at the happy faces of her brother and sister, knew she had been too restrictive.

Luo Tianqi was a well-behaved boy, while Luo Jinxuan was a completely unrestrained girl, their personalities were polar opposites.

The boy was like his mother, the girl was like her father, and indeed it was true.

Luo Tianqi was like a mini her, Luo Jinxuan was a mini version of Li Mingxun, especially when she was smiling, she felt even more like Li Mingxun.