A Plan

"How about Emma Kensington and Michael?" Clark suddenly asked.

"Unclear!" Joseph replied directly.

This surprised Clark. Emma Kensington wasn't standing against the overall captain!

"When will my friend be taken away, and how much time is left?" Clark asked indignantly.

"Probably in five days!" Thomas spoke, "I've essentially grasped their operations. They periodically send a group of people away. Based on the schedule, there should be action in up to five days. As for whether your friend will be among them, I cannot judge."

"What do you want me to do?" Clark asked directly. He couldn't leave Olivia Turner and the innocent women in the fortress unattended. Whether Thomas and Joseph were truly as purely motivated as they claimed, or had other intentions, was not something he could consider at the moment.

"You are a breakthrough! Your appearance has shown me hope for victory. You've successfully caught Charles's attention. If I'm not mistaken, he now wants to get rid of you the most. So, as long as you can draw out Charles, we can eliminate him, and the Alliance's power will be put on the right track!" Thomas said with a smile.

Next, the three of them discussed their plan.

The fortress suddenly became turbulent. Although no one knew what would happen, everyone felt tension and oppression, even struggling to breathe.

Inside the fortress, there was no natural light, but there was an accurate sense of time. A large clock stood at the top, illuminating when the daylight bell rang and plunging into darkness at night.

On this day, as the bell rang, the fortress lit up, and a piece of news spread like wildfire through the streets and alleys.

"Supplies are tightening, and everyone's rations are halved!"

The already minimal supplies that barely sustained basic survival, preventing people from starving, were immediately halved, leading to panic.

"Why is this happening?"

"The Alliance's warehouse was robbed, causing severe losses in supplies. Now, reducing each person's rations is for everyone's good. In addition, the Alliance has issued a notice. Anyone who reports a thief will receive a substantial reward!"

With just one piece of news, everyone was thrust into fear, and this fear turned into anger. People who had previously applauded Clark and the others for stealing from the warehouse now hated Clark.

All the pressure suddenly shifted onto Clark and the others.

"Such a cunning move, killing two birds with one stone, directly turning us into criminals!"

In the secret room, Clark applauded, unable to help but praise the person who came up with this idea. It was indeed a clever strategy, much smarter than the villains he had seen in novels who would immediately start causing trouble and shouting for a fight.

"Charles's methods are still so ruthless!" Thomas slapped the table with his hand, appearing somewhat angry. Seeing Clark's puzzled expression, he added, "Charles is the overall captain inside the fortress."

"Do you have any news from Joseph?" Clark asked.

Joseph was Thomas's undercover agent within the Alliance, serving as the captain of a small team. However, this team was not part of the combat personnel but rather focused on logistics support, so the information they could access was limited.

"None at all!" Thomas said with some concern. "All contact routes have been cut off. It seems the Alliance's people have had their actions restricted."

"Is it time to take action?"

But, that day, nothing happened.

The next two days were the same, and an atmosphere of stagnation and death settled in. The more this happened, the more it hinted at a significant change on the horizon.

Hunger was the most palpable sensation.

Gradually, people collapsed from hunger in the streets, and the weaker ones became easy targets for robbery. Even the meager rations to sustain life were no longer secure. If this continued, there would undoubtedly be deaths from starvation.

On the fourth day, the Alliance issued another official announcement: anyone reporting rebels would receive double rations as a reward.

On that day, someone was arrested due to being reported.

Thomas felt the pressure growing. If this continued, he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

"I have a plan!" Clark, seeing the situation clearly, directly shared his thoughts with Thomas.

That day, an explosive piece of news emerged: the thief who stole from the warehouse had turned himself in!

Mad Dog, accompanied by a team of Alliance members, escorted Clark through the streets.

"Let you dare to oppose me!" Mad Dog walked behind Clark, lifted his leg, and kicked him from behind.

Clark staggered but didn't fall. The kick didn't cause any harm; he remained silent, not bothering to pay attention to Mad Dog, and continued walking ahead.

The group quickly arrived at the Alliance's base.

"The boss wants to see you, so you better behave!" Mad Dog added a pair of shackles to both Clark's hands and feet before leading him inside and up to the second floor.

Music was playing on the second floor, somewhat resembling classical tunes, creating a comfortable atmosphere. However, Clark wasn't in the mood to enjoy the music at this moment.

"He's here!" A man who appeared somewhat younger was waving his hands, seemingly dancing to the rhythm with closed eyes, as if living in his own world.

"Boss, I'll take care of him later. I'll make him regret being alive and spit out everything he stole from us!" Mad Dog laughed, his gaze towards Clark now filled with fierceness.

"Foolish, the food has already been distributed. Do you expect to dig things out from those trashy stomachs?" Charles laughed and scolded, waving his hand to signal Mad Dog to leave.

Mad Dog hesitated but dared not defy the order. He had to leave, standing in the corridor awaiting further instructions.

"Your name is Clark, right?" Charles walked to a nearby machine, pressed a button with his finger, stopping the music. He then approached Clark, observing him like a commodity.

"I actually appreciate you. You're brave and resourceful, unlike those rats who only know how to cause minor disturbances, without any value that requires my attention."

"You're ruthless too, not caring even if everyone starves to death, right?"