Fought off

"I didn't expect you to still be alive!" Admitting his identity, Alex moved slowly. "Now is not the time to deal with you. You can't escape, Anthony. You've disappointed me; you can't kill me!"

Alex muttered to himself, sounding almost insane.

However, Clark really saw something unusual. The skin on Alex's back was slowly peeling off, revealing two circular objects extending out, emitting small flames that propelled his upper body into the air.

"You're a robot!" Clark didn't anticipate that Alex's body would be like this—completely mechanical but with some differences.

"I'm not a robot, but my body is indeed mechanical. So, I won't die. Haha!" Alex laughed and dove to the ground, picking up a few body parts and placing them on himself. It was as if he was collecting enough materials and reassembling. Alex's body, with the pieces reattached, regained its complete form.

"Anthony!" After reassembling himself, Alex flew into the air. At this moment, aside from his head, there was no skin on his body—only metal, shining with a cold light, like a weapon. He headed straight for the command post in the distance.

"Oh no!" Seeing Alex charging towards Anthony's location, Clark was initially relieved, but he immediately realized it wasn't good. Isabella was still inside, and even without system factors, he didn't want anything to happen to her. Clark hurriedly ran towards the command post.

Meanwhile, a loud explosion erupted from the direction of the command post.

The massive explosion illuminated the area, creating waves even on the dark river above.

"Oh no, it's too late," Clark's heart sank. It was precisely at this moment that the system's voice rang out again.

"Ding, the system has detected the third beauty in danger, please rescue immediately!"

"I don't need you to tell me!" Clark had been running without stopping.

"The system awards in advance for rescuing a beauty. Reward one: Level 1 Invisibility, valid for thirty seconds, during which no detection devices can find the host. Reward two: Body Strengthening, making the body impervious to knives and spears for three minutes."

The system directly granted two rewards, surprising Clark. Instant teleportation!

With these two rewards, Clark immediately activated the previously acquired skill. His body turned into a stream of light, disappearing.

When he reappeared, he was inside the command post. Clark had no idea what had happened here; the place was now in ruins, with countless debris arcing outwards. Clearly, this was the center of the explosion.

"Was it Alex's doing? But why haven't I seen him?" Clark looked around; there was no one in sight, and the place seemed devoid of any signs of life.

At that moment, a small mound not far away moved. With a swish, a dark figure emerged, soaring into the air—it was Alex!

However, Alex, with a mechanical body, also had evident scars, as if he had undergone a significant battle.

"It's actually you?" Alex questioned first, but compared to his previous arrogance, he now appeared somewhat disheveled.

"Anthony planted the bomb to kill you, didn't he?" Clark directly voiced his speculation.

"The despicable guy! Seeing me coming, he directly detonated this place, wanting to kill me. Unfortunately, I'm unkillable. Now, not only do I need to get the data, but I also have to kill everyone here to feel satisfied!" Alex spoke as he launched an attack on Clark.

A laser shot towards Clark.

"First, I'll turn you into a humanoid puppet!"

However, to Alex's surprise, the laser hitting Clark was directly repelled, causing no harm.

"How is this possible?" Alex, astonished, launched another attack, this time not only with lasers but also miniature cannons. However, none of them inflicted any harm on Clark.

"I'm invincible, feel free to try!" Clark chuckled, but he wasn't going to stand still and let the opponent attack.

Bang! A crisp sound, a laser hit Alex, creating a small hole. His airborne body retreated a short distance.

"As expected!" Clark observed the hole, which didn't heal.

"It seems your so-called invincibility comes with conditions. You need humanoid puppets around you continuously to fill in the injuries, allowing yourself to recover. Once there are no spare resources, you will die under constant attacks!" Clark stated his judgment while observing Alex's changing expression.

A hint of fear briefly appeared on Alex's face but was quickly concealed. However, Clark saw this clearly and became certain of his judgment.

"You're so eager to turn me into a humanoid puppet to replenish your injured body. It's your anxiety that led me to this conclusion!"

Clark exclaimed loudly while continuously attacking Alex with the weapon in his hand. Alex also fired back at Clark. In the exchange of firepower, Alex's body was constantly marked with bullet holes and craters, yet Clark seemed unaffected, as if the damage mysteriously vanished.

Initially, Alex didn't believe it was true. After a barrage of unsuccessful attacks, his expression began to change drastically. Continuing like this would only lead to one result—his death right there. The more scheming a person was, the less they could bear such an outcome.

Alex was on the verge of tears; it felt less like a duel and more like him taking a beating all by himself. Who knows how many calculations ran through his mind. After another round of fierce attacks yielded no results, Alex aimed his cannons at the ground, forcefully creating an entrance. Like a snake, he slipped inside and disappeared.

"He's escaping?" Clark hadn't expected there to be a hidden entrance here, wondering what might be inside. The three minutes of invincibility had just expired; if the fight continued, he might not endure much longer.

Exhaling deeply, Clark knew the invincible feeling just now was only temporary. He understood he wasn't truly invincible; he could only withstand attacks of this caliber. Faced with the firepower of a ship like the Earth Bull or the Ark, he wouldn't be able to endure it, though it might not lead to death, severe injuries were inevitable.

"This guy got injured and instead of running elsewhere, he chose to enter this tunnel. It seems there are others inside!"

For Alex to heal himself, he needed humanoid puppets, and those required living people for production. So, wherever he went, there must be living people. Who would hide in such a tunnel?

Analyzing Alex's words from earlier, it seemed he had just arrived here, hadn't taken action yet, and got schemed by Anthony again. The bomb exploded, aiming to kill him. So, where did Anthony and the others go? Inside the tunnel!

Alex probably intended to heal himself first, then go after Anthony for revenge. However, realizing he couldn't be defeated, he changed his strategy and decided to find Anthony first. That meant Isabella was in danger!

With this realization, Clark didn't hesitate and rushed into the tunnel.