Donald's father

"Where do we go now?" Clark asked, feeling a bit of regret in his heart for not seizing the opportunity to inquire about Olivia Turner and Emma Kensington from Alex.

"I'll go back to the headquarters of our Company Brown. I have something to discuss with my father, and I'll also ask him to help you find your friends," Isabella replied. Her expression had softened a bit at this moment, but then she became nervous again.

"What's going on? The submarine seems to be out of control!" Clark hurried to the control panel, noticing that the submarine seemed to be on autopilot, heading towards a specific destination.

"Try again!" Isabella attempted to control it, but ultimately shook her head in resignation. "It seems like we've been tricked!" Clark suddenly understood what was happening. "This is Donald's submarine; he might have set up a backdoor. Once the submarine leaves the port, it can only go where he wants it to, and the place he most likely wants to go is..."