Escape for your lives

With this speculation in mind, Clark walked directly towards the wreckage of the invisible airships. He placed his hand on the largest piece.

"Universal Repair Hand!"

The skill was activated, and the largest fragment immediately emitted a metallic sheen. The other wreckage seemed to be attracted by some force and flew directly towards it. Countless fragments gathered together, reassembling and even repairing the damaged parts.

The invisible airship, shattered into pieces, reappeared before the three of them.

"How did you do that?"

Isabella looked at Clark in disbelief. Did this guy possess some unknown technology? She had never heard of such a thing before!

If Clark had such a mysterious ability, why didn't he use it earlier? Various questions lingered in Isabella's mind, and she didn't know where to start asking.

Olivia appeared more composed, but her eyes still revealed a surprised expression.