Does he still have a trick up his sleeve?

Boom! Boom! Boom! 

A mechanical roar echoed as a massive humanoid mech crawled up. Seated in the mech's control room was none other than Mark. 


Isabella, upon seeing Mark, exclaimed excitedly. 

This was a stark contrast to her previous indifferent attitude. 

"Mark! You're really alive!" 

Equally excited was Steven, whose relationship with Mark was complex, being both a friend and an intimate partner. 

"I knew it!"

 Clark also chuckled. In his mind, there was no way this man could have died in a mysterious fire! "

Hehe, sorry for making everyone worry. Miss, I'm here to protect you!"

 Mark controlled the mech, leaped, and stood at the central top, firing directly to repel the approaching zombies. The mech seemed modified, equipped with Gatling machine guns in both hands, propulsion devices on the back allowing short-term flight, highly flexible bionic legs, and more.