you've all been deceived!

However, Clark's words didn't have much effect. After a frenzy of gunfire, the group finally paused, partly due to exhaustion and partly because their ammunition and energy were running dangerously low.

"I don't believe we can't kill you like this!" Kevin exclaimed excitedly, still in a state of frenzy.

"Look at the ground, see what you've killed!" Clark shouted loudly, a sense of dread creeping over him. His intuition told him danger was closing in, and the best course of action was to escape quickly.

On the ground, scattered remains littered the area, many so badly damaged they were unrecognizable, reduced to mere fragments. But there were parts that could be identified—definitely not human bodies.

It was a floor covered in charred fire-ant corpses!

"Hahaha! Kevin, you're still so foolish. I told you, I am immortal!" The voice rang out again, even more audacious and triumphant than before.