Don't Let Hatred Blind You

"But there's no energy crystal core there!"

Clark's intuition told him something was off about Kevin.

"The energy crystal core is just a name; there are many forms of energy existence. Forming a core is just one of the simplest. More advanced forms of energy existence can even transform into certain lifelike animals or people."

As Kevin spoke, he reached out towards Ella.

"Captain, what are you trying to do?"

Clark immediately shielded Ella with his body and raised his weapon. Even though he was shaken and puzzled by Kevin's actions, he was ready to defend against whatever might happen.

"You step aside. I don't want to use force against you. The mission is over, and you all can choose whether to leave or not. But I still have something I must do."

Waves of sound emanated from Kevin and drifted towards Clark.

Sound is intangible, unable to be avoided like physical attacks.