
As speculated before, there must be something under this mountain, ready to erupt. It's just that the presence of these granite rocks above makes this valley appear so calm.

"Are you here for the same purpose?" Clark didn't perceive Ethan as a threat. There was nothing about him that seemed dangerous, and he was injured.

"My mission is only to gather information here. I won't get involved in your disputes," Ethan replied calmly.

"This guy is quite interesting," Richard chuckled beside them.

"Why don't you come up with a reason, like you just happened to pass by? It would greatly reduce our hostility towards you and make you much safer," Clark suggested.

"I won't do that. My identity is not as disgraceful as you may think," Ethan stubbornly refused.

"Then tell me, what's your identity?" Clark's interest was piqued. His intuition told him Ethan was quite unique.