Their retreat was cut off

As soon as Ethan's voice fell, one of the mechanical beasts began to move.

This mechanical beast resembled a horse, with four hooves and a sturdy body, but it lacked a head. It moved gracefully, as if someone were leading it.

"This thing doesn't seem to pose much of a threat." Clark said, but still placed his hand on his weapon.

"Damn it, leaving these two idiots behind makes me feel guilty!" Ethan muttered. His intuition told him that it was dangerous and they needed to leave immediately. It was a skill he had developed over years of detection work, and it was always accurate.

"Don't underestimate it; it could be very dangerous!" Ethan ultimately gritted his teeth and didn't choose to run away, but his combat ability was lacking. He could only hide behind Clark and Richard, helping them control the lighting devices.

"You seem scared!" Richard mocked Ethan, thinking he was too timid.

Bang! Bang! Bang!