Betrayal and Loyalty


One-eyed widened his single eye, never expecting Ryan to dare utter such words.

"You little brat, are you trying to get me killed?"

Ryan's retort against One-eyed was fueled by resentment, yet deep down, he had no intention of ending the other's life.

"Ryan, watch out!"

Clark shouted from the side.

But it was too late. One-eyed drew a short gun and aimed it at Ryan's heart, unleashing a barrage of shots.

As a seasoned killer, when he chose to strike, he wouldn't miss!

Ryan never anticipated One-eyed would kill him; he collapsed without even realizing what had happened.

"Damn it!"

Clark cursed under his breath. Despite Ryan's youthful demeanor, he was the leader of the Skull Fleet. With his demise, the entire fleet would inevitably fracture.

As predicted by Clark, chaos ensued after One-eyed killed Ryan, and the formation resisting the monster zombies immediately fell apart.

"Ryan's dead!"