Will you be my leader?

Zoey extinguished the cigarette in her mouth and turned to leave, showing no intention of resorting to violence.

"Should we detain her?" Aria spoke up, her words naturally reaching Zoey's ears.

"No, let her go," Isabella replied, unwilling to trouble Zoey further.

The fact that the other party appeared here indicated considerable strength; a confrontation would likely result in a fierce battle.

"You're smart," Zoey remarked without looking back, adding loudly, "Hopefully this place will last a bit longer; that guy is quite interesting!"

With that, she departed. Upon returning to the spaceship, she ordered a return journey.

"Commander, our mission..." someone began, but Zoey interrupted, "Enough. This is the second time you've said this. I don't need you to teach me what to say. Justin's influence stretches too far!"

The other person was too scared to speak further.