Chapter 15: Qingcheng Mountain Base

At that moment, an alarm swept through the cabin, and at the same time, the top of the cabin began to spew out thick fog and white smoke.

  Li Xue, who was originally napping in his seat, immediately jumped up from his seat after hearing the alarm, drew his pistol, leaned forward slightly, and looked at the surrounding area with a blade-like gaze of vigilance.

  A few moments later, Li Xue reacted, this white smoke is just a dry powder fire extinguishing agent, not a gas bomb or tear gas used in the attack.

  At this time, in the report of the team member responsible for monitoring the two people, the other people within the cabin also lifted their guard and relaxed.

  With the high-powered air conditioner working at full capacity, the white smoke within the cabin was quickly cleared, Li Xue walked up, as the only person who could communicate with them, he had to be in charge of asking why the two of them suddenly used magic within the cabin and scared the entire crew.

  After listening to Erin's answer, Li Xue took a deep breath to regain his composure, and at the same time opened the communication to report to the command.

  After listening to Li Xue's report, after a long time, a sentence finally came from the command side: "In that case, why don't you hit a tub of hot water for her." Li Xue was able to hear the deep exhaustion and helplessness in those words.

  In the command headquarters, Luo Tian stretched out his hand, picked up the teacup on the table, took a big gulp of strong tea, rubbed those bloodshot eyes, and let out a long sigh of relief.

  He had been sitting here all night, he had been personally supervising the situation in the cabin, keeping an eye on this operation throughout. Not only did he have to pass the initial planning of various contingency plans with his staff, but he also had to discuss the next matters with the highest level.

  Just a short while ago, watching the formation already approaching the base, he relaxed a little bit down, but was suddenly startled by Erin's action.

  The command had no idea what kind of magic this so-called magic was, much less whether it would kill or injure its own personnel, and he had activated multiple contingency plans under the uncertainty of the situation, causing the entire command to tense up in an instant.

  And in Li Xue's report, she two just want a basin of hot water to wash their faces, after hearing this report, even to his city can not help but face slightly trembling, he just discussed with the staff and the expert group out of the dozens of contingency plans do not include this.

  Inside the cabin, Erin and Kleya froze for a moment as they looked at the suddenly alerted personnel and the alarm that resounded through the cabin, and randomly understood what had happened.

  Ayrin immediately put down the basin, gestured to Kleya, jogged to Li Xue, bowed slightly, and said, "I'm really sorry, I wasn't aware of your rules, please forgive me."

  Seeing this, Li Xue waved his hand, full of unconcern and said, "It's fine, it's fine, the rules of the two worlds are different, we all include each other, in the future, if you have any problems or needs, just talk to me directly, we will surely all try to satisfy them as much as possible." Afterwards, Li Xue added with a smile, "If we go to your place as guests in the future, we will also ask for your guidance."

  "A promise is a promise! If your country pays a visit in the future, we will definitely do our best to be a host," Erin raised her head and replied with a smile on her face.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, the end of this journey, the base of Qingcheng Mountain is about to arrive, this plane will start descending in thirty seconds, please sit and hold on to your seats."

  At this time, a mortgaged male voice suddenly came from among the stereos installed on both sides of the cabin, obviously the captain was improvising a wave. Li Xue was slightly stunned when he heard it, the original secret base that he was traveling to was called Qingcheng Mountain Base.

  Li Xue turned around and looked at Erin who was tending to her long hair in the corner and said, "We'll be there soon, get ready." After saying that, he made it to the seat and fastened his seatbelt, preparing for the upcoming feeling of weightlessness.

This kind of military airplane doesn't talk to you about comfort, even if it's just a transport plane, it's common to fall on your face if you're not prepared when landing.

  "Boom!" The three J-10Ms flew past the Yun-20 with a thunderous roar, the vector nozzles on their tails slightly deformed, and the three planes landed in a zigzag pattern towards the base's runway.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk! Three planes with bombs on the same runway landing in a zigzag pattern, the people who came this time are all experts!" Above the tower, a middle-aged man wearing a training uniform with two bars and one star held a telescope and looked at the three small black dots in the distant sky and exclaimed.

  "Yeah! These three dared to land in this formation, no doubt they are all treasures of the various aviation brigades, how could they let go?" Next to the middle-aged man, a man who was also eyeing the sky replied.

  "What do you care, don't inquire blindly, I heard that the stuff carried in that Yun-20 is top secret, classified level thirty."

  Hearing this, the man stopped talking, as a soldier, he naturally knew what the concept of classified level thirty was, those strategic nuclear submarines hidden in the depths of the ocean were of this level.

  If unrelated personnel came into contact with it, those who were lucky, after various reviews, could basically be released after twenty years of imprisonment, but those who were unlucky would basically say goodbye to the sunlight for the rest of their lives.

  Inside the cabin, with the help of Li Xue and Huang Xing, the two young girls finally fastened their seat belts and honestly sat down on their seats.

  Just as Li Xue turned to leave, Aileen suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Xue's sleeve, Li Xue turned back, looked at Aileen, and said in confusion, "What's wrong?" .

  Ayrin hesitated and asked, "Li, what will happen when we get to the base?"

  Even if Ayrin had acted steadily in the midst of the exchange, she was ultimately only sixteen years old, and when put on Earth, this was still just the age when she was worrying about her test scores.

  "I don't know either, but it definitely won't be difficult for you guys, don't worry." Li Xue smiled and comforted. Immediately afterward, Li Xue thought for a moment and added, "If I really wanted to make things difficult for you guys, would I still need to fight until now? Don't be nervous!"

  Ayrin let go of her hand and didn't answer, only looking down at the ground, not knowing what she was thinking ...


  A low and huge roar came from the sky, just like there were countless dragons roaring above the clouds, that was the unique sound of the large-connotation turbofan engine of the heavy transport aircraft when it was skimming through the low altitude.

  At the end of the runway, a silver-gray painted Yun-20 heavy transport aircraft steadily landed on the high-strength concrete pavement, the huge weight of more than a hundred tons made the runway slightly shaken, and after skidding for a few hundred meters, it slowly slid into the hangar next to it.

  "Here we are, prepare to disembark." Li Xue unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up from his seat, stretching his body that was slightly sore from sitting for a long time, and walked over to Aileen and Kreia, helping them unbuckle their seatbelts.

Li Xue walked to the hatch that had been opened, a breeze with the characteristic coolness of the morning blew across his face, he felt this coolness, and the uneasiness and anxiety that had been in his heart also drifted away with the wind.

  He looked at the team that came to pick up the plane, the team was not large, only a field ambulance with a red cross symbol and a "Hound" military off-road vehicle, which was newly installed in the first-line troops in recent years, and there were also two unmanned electric four-wheeled transportation vehicles behind it, which were not usually seen.

  He took the lead and walked down, striding toward the team that came to receive the plane. At the same time, the door of a motorized transport vehicle parked at the very back opened, and a person stepped out of the vehicle and walked towards Li Xue with a sturdy pace.

  The person was a middle-aged man in regular clothes with a straight figure, and the rank of major on his shoulder flashed with a faint golden glow under the morning light, dazzling and eye-catching.

  Li Xue walked forward, stood at attention, saluted, and reported loudly, "Report! The person has been received, please instruct."

  The major returned the salute meticulously, took out a small booklet from the black leather bag he was carrying in his left hand, and handed it to Li Xue while saying, "We were ordered to pick up these four people."

  Li Xue received the roster and realized that there were only four names on it, and it was clearly him, Huang Xing and the two otherworldly visitors. After looking at it, Li Xue's heart was clear and he handed the roster back, raised his hands in salute and said loudly, "Yes!"

  Just as Li Xue was about to turn around and leave, the Major behind him could speak, "Let those two young ladies sit separately from us." Li Xue paused for a moment, nodded, and walked towards the cabin.

  "Let's go, we're being called." Li Xue walked over to Erin and said, while waving at Huang Xing, who was still organizing his attire in the cabin.

  "The last time I rode in this thing was on a trip to the zoo before I joined the army." Huang Xing said rather nostalgically as he looked at the motorized transport vehicle.

  "A kind of thing, only it's driverless." The middle-aged major who led the way said casually. "This thing is not common or used in ordinary military bases, only certain special bases will use it." Li Xue took over and explained.

  While passing by the "Hound" armored SUV, Huang Xing stopped for a moment, turned his head to glance at it, and then immediately followed, while giving Li Xue a wink.

  Seeing this, Li Xue nodded slightly and did not say anything.

  When he first saw the car, he had already noticed that the car's shock absorbers were pressed down very low, while the tires had obvious deformation, for this kind of car specially designed to carry soldiers wearing single tactical armor, even if all the people inside were wearing "Quartet" tactical armor, it would not be possible to press the car's shock absorbers and tires into this kind of shape. This kind of appearance.

  Obviously, the soldiers inside were most likely equipped with some kind of heavier tactical armor that was not equipped on a large scale.

  And "Hound" originally equipped with a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun was also followed by a replacement for a six-barrel 20 mm machine gun that will not be installed on light vehicles, not only that, but also from the exposed bullet chain, actually is the color of the buried bullets, or armor-piercing warheads and high-explosive warheads spaced between the mixed loads.

  However, Li Xue did not show any scowl and followed the middle-aged major to sit on that electric transportation vehicle. At the same time, under Li Xue's guidance, he let Aileen and Kleya sit on the other one.

  With the sound of a slight electric motor turning, the transport vehicle slowly started, and only after the first electric transport vehicle they rode in drove more than a hundred meters away, the other one slowly started. The Hound armored SUV and the second electric transporter remained at a distance of about one hundred and fifty meters.

  "Sensing it?" The middle-aged major sitting in the front row asked. Li Xue knew what he was asking and replied, "Yes!" The major laughed, "If you can't detect this, then don't stay at Qingcheng Mountain anymore, we don't want this kind of wimp."

"This base is a bit cold, look at this road, there aren't many people." Huang Xing came over and looked at the Major, asking.

  "The nearby two kilometers are cleared out, it's just us." Looking at Huang Xing who had already detected the abnormality, the Major laughed and said, "You guys won't one that car behind us is our means of defense, right? Nah! That is merely responsible for sweeping the tail."

  "You guys look over there, in the sky." The major raised his hand and pointed to the distance. Li Xue and Huang Xing squinted their eyes and looked towards the distant sky.

  "Do you see it? What are those two small black dots in the sky?" "I don't know, it should be some kind of helicopter, I can't see it without auxiliary equipment." Li Xue retracted his sight and replied.

  "Those are two fully loaded WZ-25 helicopter gunships, if anything happens, the 80 rockets and 24 anti-tank missiles mounted on them will fight to send the two of her up into the sky before they can summon their divine aircraft."

  At that moment, the Major took a black remote control out of his purse and casually tossed it to Li Xue, with a relaxed demeanor that was almost like holding a TV remote control.

  "What's this for?" Li Xue looked at the only three buttons on the remote and asked.

  The major pointed to the electric transportation vehicle that followed behind and said, "That vehicle has undergone some minor modifications, his body has been specially reinforced, even if there is a Triceratops inside, it may not be able to rush out."

  The major paused and then continued, "As long as the buttons are pressed in sequence, the entire vehicle will instantly lock up, and at the same time the triethyl aluminum incendiary bombs installed inside will be detonated, and the 3,000-degree high temperature and the sturdy bodywork will form a high-temperature inferno, and if this fails to kill them, then the two helicopter gunships will launch an attack."

  "But if that ice fortress or those golden wings appeared once more, it might really be unbreakable, that pair of golden wings had resisted two air-to-ground missiles before dissipating, and the defense of that ice fortress isn't weak, and it also has the ability to self-repair." Li Xue lowered his head in slight contemplation and said.

  "And it was only one person at that time, and now there's one more, who knows what rare and strange abilities she has." Huang Xing added from the side.

  When the Major heard this, he raised an eyebrow, gently patted the seat underneath him, and said, "This vehicle has also been modified, at a distance of one hundred meters, the first two waves of attacks can't hurt us."

  Looking at Li Xue and Huang Xing's puzzled expressions, the Major pointed to the sides of the road and said, "See those green signs on both sides? We built a few air defense shelters there overnight, and when the first wave of attacks is over, we'll run inside."

  "Run?!" Before the Major could continue, Huang Xing asked in surprise. Running away was the most taboo word for soldiers ah!

  "It's fine if you don't run, we've set up two self-propelled artillery battalions five kilometers away, at that time you'll be able to experience what it's like to be hit by 36 heavy howitzers with concentrated firepower." The major hemmed and hawed and said.