"Hi babe" I greeted Charlotte with a warm smile as she opened the door.

"Hi, you did not tell me you would be visiting", She said, surprised to see me.

"But do I need to inform you before I can visit my baby?" I said teasingly and made my way inside.

"I understand, babe," she said, "but it would be nice to have a little advance notice so I can make sure I prepare for your arrival." She said with a smile.

"You make it sound like I'm royalty," I said jokingly. "What preparations must be made for my arrival, my love?"

"What I mean is, I'd like to be able to make you something to eat and make sure your favorite wine is available." she said. "It's nothing personal, I just wasn't expecting you." She said but somehow I could feel she's a little tense.

"It seems like you don't want me here," I said, feeling a little hurt. I started to stand up, thinking about leaving.

"Oh no babe, I was just teasing you" she said, laughing as she gave me a big hug. "Of course you're welcome here, anytime."

"So, how are you?" I asked with a warm smile and sat back.

"I'm fine, baby" she said, although I could tell from her body language that she was a bit nervous. "Is there anything I can get you? A drink, some food?" she asked, trying to sound more relaxed.

"My love, what's the problem?" I asked as I made her sit on my lap. "Is there something you are not telling me".

"No George, why did you ask".

"Because I could see you are not comfortable having me here" I said. "

"Oh no!" She said, "I'm just so happy to have you here, let's get you some drinks," She said and rushed to the kitchen.

I wonder why she's so tense. It felt like she's keeping some things from me.

"Baby, have this" she said, her voice brought me out of my thoughts and handed me a glass of juice.

"Thanks honey" I said. "Babe, we need to talk".

"Ok, but before that, what food should I prepare for you?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm okay with this my love" I said, returning her smile. "Can we begin the discussion".

"One minute please," She said and rushed towards her bedroom. I could hear her locking the door and I wonder why but I decided not to ask her.

"Alright babe, I'm here" She said as she sat close to me.

"My parents want me to marry a business partner's daughter" I said with my head down avoiding looking into her eyes.

I looked up when I couldn't hear her speak, only to find tears in her eyes.

"Babe please, I'm not telling you this because I'm complying to their will or because I want to leave you" I said holding her hands. "I just want to let you know that I'm not going to leave you for anything. I love you and even if my parents don't want you, I do. I don't care if my family supports this or not, I'm still going to marry you and nobody can stop that". I said as I wiped her tears with my fingers.

"George" She called in a low voice 

"Yes love" I replied.

"Do you think this relationship can go on smoothly?" She said,

"Why did you say that?" I asked.

"Your parents don't want me, I'm scared, George, I'm scared" She said and burst into tears.

"Oh no, don't let me regret telling you this, I did not tell you to break your heart, I only want you to know what I'm passing through at home. I'm going to take care of it" I said.

"George, your parents are rich, they can do anything, I'm a nobody, my family is not known in the society, there is nothing about me that can please them" She said in tears.

"Charlotte, listen to me, you are not a nobody and stop calling yourself that, I beg you". I said as I gave her hand a gentle squeeze." You are hardworking and I can see you trying your best to fight against poverty, you are somebody, Charlotte, you are somebody. I continued.

"George, I love you and I will forever do but I don't want to be the cause of problems between you and your parents." She said

"And what are you insinuating, what do you mean by you don't want to be the cause of the problem" I asked.

"Babe, I think you should obey your parents," She said.

"Oh, wow, do you even love me?" I asked.

"I do George, I love you so much" She said.

"Then let's fight this together," I said.

"How George, have you forgotten how you said your father troubled you when you refused to do the course he wanted you to do, George, do you remember, you did not have a choice and you ended up doing the course." She said,

"I was still young and naive then, Charlotte. I'm grown now and I know what I want, it's you I want Charlotte, I'm not going to marry you for my parents."

"George, I'm scared," She said.

"I need you to be a strong baby, be strong for us," I said. "This is what we will do" I said and she raised an eyebrow in a way to ask what.

"I'm going to talk to them again and after that I will introduce you to them" I could see the fear on her face as I said that. "Then if they still don't agree, we would elope.

"George," She called out.

"It will work out, believe me," I said.

"Ok but I know your father is very tough," She said again.

"I think I can find a way to talk to my mom about it. If mom agrees, believe me, she will find a way to talk to her husband." I said.

She was about saying something when we heard the banging of the room she closed earlier.

"Mummy" I heard a little voice calling out while banging the door.

"Mummy? I was surprised.