"George, George!" My father's voice rang out, nobody needed to tell me that I'm in trouble. 

"You are welcome, Dad," I said, trying to sound cheerful, but he didn't reply. His face was stern and he looked angry. I knew I was in for a scolding.

"Hold your greetings," my father snapped. " What nonsense I heard happened at the office today. What is it?" His voice was full of anger and frustration.

I swallowed hard, trying to stay calm. "Nothing bad happened, Dad," I replied, hoping to defuse the situation. "Everything is fine."

"Will you stop all these lies and tell me the truth?" He said with so much anger.

"What truth dad?" I asked, confused. 

" You are getting on my nerves, George, why did you embarrass Sandra at the office?" He said.

"I did not do that, dad. I was just trying to explain to her why we can't be together," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I kept my head down, unable to meet my father's eyes. 

"Oh, I see," he said, his voice cold and firm. "The reason you can't marry her doesn't matter, George. I've given you an order and you will follow it. You will marry the girl I chose for you, or you won't marry at all." 

"Dad, I told you I'm in love with someone else. I can't marry Sandra, she is not good for me, she dresses like a slot" Hardly have I finished my statement when a hot slap landed on my cheek.

"How dare you talk about her like that?" my father yelled, his face red with anger. I was taken aback by his outburst, and couldn't understand what had triggered it. Was it the contract, or something else? Was it really worth getting so angry about? And why did he have to slap me? 

"Dad, you slapped me, your own son, because of Sandra" I exclaimed, my voice cracking. "You didn't even stop to ask me why I sent her out of my office. You just assumed the worst and flew into a rage." I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, and I could barely keep them from spilling over.

"Oh, it's your office, is it?" my father said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, let me tell you something, George. As long as you defy my wishes, your inheritance will be frozen, and you won't get a penny until you marry Sandra. Do I make myself clear?" With that, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I lay on my bed, crying into my pillows as I thought about my parents' demands. They had chosen my course, and now they wanted to choose my wife as well. It was as if I didn't have any say in my own life. I felt trapped, like I was living only to please them. I wondered if all rich parents were like this, and wished that I had been born into a simpler, more humble life. I didn't know what to do next, all I could do was cry.

I wish my parents would just listen to me, and try to understand my perspective. I know they want more contracts for the company, but I can't marry someone I don't love just for the sake of business. I'm not happy with Sandra, and I don't think she's the right woman for me. She dresses immodestly, she doesn't respect me, and I just don't feel a connection with her. I don't know how to make my parents see that this marriage is not right for me.

My head was spinning as I thought about Sandra's behavior at the office. She had yelled at my staff, and my mother, who I always thought was such a classy, modest woman, doesn't see anything wrong in her behavior. It was like everything I thought I knew about my family was being turned upside down. I felt like I was losing my mind, and I didn't know how to fix things.

I got up from the bed and went to the study room, knowing that's where I'd find my mother. She was an avid reader, and she often spent hours in the study, with her nose in a book.

"Mom, we need to talk," I said immediately as I entered the room.

"I'm busy son, go and come back. I need to finish this chapter first" She said with her eyes fixed on the book.

"This is a matter of life and death, Mom," I said, my voice shaking with emotion. "If you won't listen to me, I'm going to do something drastic that you won't expect. I can't live like this, I can't marry a woman I don't love. I will take my own life if you won't give me chance to talk now"

"George, are you out of your mind?" She shouted at me and I could see that she was frightened. What is the issue that would make you say that? "she said. 

"Mom, I' m not going to marry Sandra" I said, tears were already flowing down my cheeks.

"Why" I heard my mom say, "Why is she asking me Why again. 

"Because I don't love her" I said

"And you love someone else" My mom said, her eyes looking deeply into mine.

"Yes mom" I said.

"It's not possible, Son, you can't marry that girl," My mom said.

"Mom, why can't you understand that I want to marry someone I love, just like you did?" I pleaded with her. 

"You married Dad because you loved him, and that's all I want for myself. I can't force myself to marry someone I don't love." My voice cracking with emotion. I couldn't understand why my mother couldn't understand my feelings.

"Yes, I married your father because I loved him, and my parents accepted him because they knew he was the right choice for me," she replied.

"What makes you say he's the right choice, Mom?" I asked, genuinely curious about her perspective.

"Your father was the right choice for me, and that's why my parents were happy about our marriage," she explained. "He was the son of my father's best friend, so our marriage strengthened the bond between our families. Our fathers did a lot of business together, and our families were very close. It was a good match for everyone involved." Her words were calm.

"Mom, I need you to understand that marriage is not for money, marriage is not for business purposes, why do you see it as such?" I said, trying to let her see from my point of view.

"Son, love is something you can grow over time, when you move closer to Sandra, you will fall in love with her and that is why we decided you too know each other first. Initially, your dad suggested we arrange a wedding for you too and get to know each other after marriage" My mom said and I couldn't help but wonder how inhumane my dad can be sometimes. Doesn't he know the meaning of love in marriage?

"I have to object to that and plead with him to let you know each other first" my mom continued. "And now you want me to regret that, No George, you have to marry Sandra. I can't allow you to marry a child of nobody" She said.

"But Mom, it's not a crime to be poor," I argued. "Not everyone has the same opportunities in life. And it's not fair to judge someone based on their wealth."

"But son, we can't live among the poor" she said, as if that was the final word on the matter. I was shocked by her lack of empathy and understanding. 

"I think if Grandpa hadn't been rich, you wouldn't be rich either," I said, my voice trembling with emotion. "I don't need your inheritance. I'm going to make my own way in the world and earn my own money." With that, I turned and walked out of the room, my heart pounding and my eyes filled with tears. I needed to be alone with my thoughts.