Chapter 31: Analysis of the Ace Analyst and the memories of the fanatical fan's soul

In the forensic center, Detective Jason and Analyst Ace stood waiting for the forensic report. After a while, the forensic doctor entered with the corpse report.

"Hello, the investigator and the analyst, the report is as follows. The cause of death is death due to loss of a large amount of blood, either by cutting off the limbs of the corpses or smashing the face. This was done by a human being with brute force without using any sharp tool," said Doctor D.

"Dr. D, with all due respect, who in the world has power like this? There is definitely an error in the report," Detective Jason said.

The doctor looked at him with an angry look and said, "Are you doubting my work?"

"Dear doctor, Detective Jason doesn't mean to doubt you, but he can't imagine that a human being could possess this power," Analyst Ace said.