chapter 44:Chapter 44: The cooperation of the villain and the hero of the novel and the whispers of Satan.

In the evening at Anthony's family company, the board meeting was still going on, Charlie was taking a break and thinking desperately, and suddenly thought of calling Fifi, who could have a solution.

"Hello, dear, how are you?" Charlie said affectionately.

"I'm fine, but from the sound of your voice, you don't seem fine," Fifi said sadly.

"I have problems in the company and the company has no new ideas," Charlie said sadly.

"I have a good idea but it will take some time," Fifi said quickly.

"Tell me what the idea is?" Charlie said excitedly.

"I have a scenario for a gangster movie. Our company will produce this movie, and there is a game inspired by one of the heroes of the movie. The game is called GTA," Fifi said cheerfully.

"So you're saying that I should wait until your company releases the movie and then we'll release the game, right?" Charlie said quickly.

"That's right," Fifi said with a smile.