First Day of the Rest of Your Life.

The small town of Vanderville was a hive of activity as the first rays of morning sunlight kissed the horizon. It was that momentous day, the kickoff of a new academic year at Vanderville High School. The school, an aging red brick three-story building, stood tall with a certain air of pride amidst the town's landscape. Fluttering flags danced in the breeze.


Around the school grounds, the day started to unfold like a well-choreographed play. Parents maneuvered their cars, trucks, and SUVs, dropping off their beloved offspring with prideful yet embarrassed smiles, immortalized in countless family photographs.

At the heart of this youthful hustle and bustle stood a small, eco-conscious two-person moped. An older man, wearing a planet Earth bike helmet, accompanied by a petite girl, hidden behind her father, clung to the back seat. Her bright star helmet contrasted sharply with the conventional transportation mode, inviting a few lingering glances from passersby.

"Dad! You couldn't drop me off a block ago? Everyone is staring at me!" she complained with a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment.

"Yes, they are dear! They're staring at this town's only clean, green, zero-emissions craft and its favorite passenger arriving at her first day of high school!" replied the father, proudly flaunting his eco-responsible choice.

Unveiling her face by removing her helmet, Andromeda Emberson revealed a cascade of dirty blonde wavy hair. She muttered a farewell to her father, assuring him that she'd walk the rest of the way.

"Do you have everything, Andi? Sunscreen? Allergy Meds? Inhaler?" he inquired, leaning over slightly.

"Yes, dad," she affirmed while adjusting her purple and black backpack.

After an affectionate goodbye, with a few tears in his eyes, her father wished her luck on her first day and promptly captured the moment with a selfie. With a nod, Andi turned, her footsteps echoing against the pavement, and she ventured straight toward the looming red brick building.


Within the school's walls, a cacophony of adolescent energy filled the corridors. Students of varied shapes and sizes maneuvered through the labyrinth of hallways, each seemingly lost in their own universe of excitement, nerves, or nonchalance. Andi took a deep breath, the mingling scents of chalk dust and youthful anticipation enveloping her senses. She scanned the surroundings, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the bustling mass of unfamiliar faces, and decided to head towards her locker as a starting point.

Amidst the sea of red lockers with faded numbers, Andi struggled to discern any recognizable pattern. Her eyes squinted, trying to decipher the worn digits, but to no avail. Lost in the labyrinth of hallways, she glimpsed a tall senior in a red and blue varsity jacket.

He stood out, not just due to his stature but also the multitude of patches adorning his sleeves. Andi noted the patches: Varsity Swimming, Varsity Diving, Varsity Chorus, Olympic Trials, but the one that caught her attention was the "Scholar's Mortarboard," a beacon identifying him as a Student Ambassador, obligated to assist lost freshmen like herself.


Summoning her courage, she attempted to speak up amidst the bustling hallway. "Excuse me?" Her voice barely rose above the clamor.

"Huh, what?" Startled, he turned around, his eyes landing on the new face amidst the chaos. "Oh, Hi! You look like a lost freshman!"

Andi nodded shyly, her nervousness evident.

"Need a hand on where you need to go?" His bluntness was overshadowed by an air of helpfulness.

She nodded once more, clutching her yellow sheet with the locker information.

"This patch here means I'm obligated to help you. So, where are you headed?" His frankness softened with a warm smile.

"Locker 1343," she said, displaying her yellow sheet to confirm.

"Hey! No way!" Excitement surged in his voice. "My locker's 1344! I was just headed that way myself! Follow me." Without further ado, he dashed through the bustling crowd, Andi hastening to keep pace with his determined stride.

Motioning for her to walk beside him, he guided her through the corridor, carving a path with ease. "I'm Tonrie Aklas, Senior class student ambassador. What's your name?"

"Andromeda, Andromeda Emberson," she replied softly.

"Pleasure to meet you Andromeda. Andromeda?! Like the Galaxy? Your parents really loved space, huh?"

"Yeah, my dad is a Geological Meteoricist," Andi explained, "He studies rocks, including space rocks. Most people just call me Andi."

"Well Andi it is then, and here's our lockers."

As they reached their destination, Andi struggled with the locker's combination before finally managing to pop it open. Amidst locker fumbles, a conversation unfurled.

"So, planning to be a scientist like your father?" Tonrie inquired, curiosity lacing his voice.

Andi hesitated, her gaze drifting towards the distant future. "I don't really know yet. We might move to Las Pacifica soon. There's talk my dad might get tenure at LPU."


"LPU?!" Tonrie's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, "That's the University I have my eyes set on! And then maybe one day, the Olympics!" Pointing to his official Olympic Trials patch on his arm "But your dad is a professor there?" Tonrie's brows furrowed in surprise.

"He's done some work there from time to time. They have a huge astronomy program. He and another professor are up for tenure. If he gets that, it looks like I'm moving to the big city," she explained, envisioning the potential transition.

Tonrie's excitement for college life at LPU and Andi's contemplation about moving to Las Pacifica University intertwined in their brief exchange.

As the conversation drifted, a distinct voice interjected behind them, "Ever the Olympic hopeful I see…" 


"Dash! Hey man! 'Bout time you showed up!" Tonrie turned, acknowledging the voice with a friendly embrace. Turning to Andi, "Dashen Golnovsky, my best friend since forever, he's not a Senior like me, but no longer a Freshman either, Ey! Mr. Sophomore!!" 

 "I'm going to completely ignore your punitive attempt to bolster my self esteem and ego." Turning his attention to Andi "And who's this little 'fresh meat'?" Dash looked to Andi, who immediately blushed at the attention.

Tonrie introduced her, "Andromeda Emberson, but she goes by Andi. Andi, meet Dash – the smartest and laziest person in school. He can ace any test and still manages to cause chaos."

Dash beamed proudly, donning his casual attire amid the sea of varsity jackets. "IQ well exceeding 140, GPA of a whopping 1.95."

Tonrie chuckled, "Dash can answer every question correctly on a test, stop when it'll result in a decent grade, then hack the school's mainframe for fire alarms."

"Is that a good thing?" Andi asked, perplexed by Dash's approach to academics.

"When it's close to lunch hour, yes!" Dash quipped, exhibiting a rare hint of social confidence amidst his intellectual demeanor.

As the first bell echoed through the corridors, signifying the commencement of classes, Tonrie escorted Andi to her English 1 session with Mrs. Peters.

"Room 203, Andromeda. Welcome to Vanderville High," Tonrie greeted, guiding her towards the designated classroom.

Traversing the bustling hallways, Andi tried to keep up with Tonrie and Dash amid the academic shuffle. Despite their different grades, serendipitous schedule overlaps occasionally placed them in the same classes.

Andi witnessed the mingling of different grades, a small-town characteristic that brought seniors and freshmen together in certain courses. These encounters, although brief, added an intriguing dynamic to her first day.


During the English lesson, Andi observed Tonrie actively engaging in group discussions, his natural charm radiating. Meanwhile, a few seats apart, Dash appeared engrossed in his myPad, seemingly detached from the ongoing lesson.

After the class concluded, Andi found herself amidst the bustling crowd, watching students chatter about the school's celestial event posters and rumors of an approaching meteor shower.

Tonrie caught up with her, displaying his usual friendly demeanor. "Hey, Andi! English wasn't too bad, was it?"

Andi shrugged, slightly uncomfortable but grateful for his friendliness. "It was okay. Peters seems nice."

Tonrie smiled, trying to reassure her. "Just take it easy. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

The day progressed, and despite the differences in their years, Andi, Tonrie, and Dash's paths intersected several times. While Tonrie maintained his amiable persona, Dash remained immersed in his technological sanctuary, detached from the surrounding hubbub.

Andi's last class concluded as the day ebbed away, the vibrant sunset casting warm hues through the school's windows. She gathered her belongings, contemplating the intertwining dynamics of high school life and the growing anticipation surrounding the impending cosmic event.

Tonrie waved from a distance, calling out, "See you tomorrow, Andi! Ready for more?"

Andi managed a tentative smile, acknowledging Tonrie's camaraderie, preparing to head home, thoughts still entwined with the whispers of the imminent meteor shower.