Code Omega

Content Warning: Depiction of Child Abuse

This chapter contains sensitive material depicting scenes of child abuse. Reader discretion is advised.

As the gentle light of Saturday morning filtered through the tattered curtains of Tonrie's dilapidated trailer, he awoke to an unusual commotion outside. The symphony of hurried footsteps, authoritative voices, and the distant wail of police sirens cut through the eerie dawn, awakening a potent mix of emotions within him. Hope, apprehension, and the flicker of liberation pulsed through his veins, looking out the window to see a police vehicle and a black sedan with government license plates. Setting his heart ablaze with the possibility of escaping the suffocating grip of his wretched life.

In a feverish urgency, Tonrie reached for his smartphone, its glow casting an eerie light in his dimly lit room. With trembling fingers, he sent the pre-arranged distress code to Dash: "Code Omega," a lifeline forged in their private pact. Each keystroke resonated with the promise of freedom, a promise he yearned for after enduring the toxic environment for far too long.


In a brief flashback to the day before, Tonrie carefully packed his bag in Ms. Andrews' office, folding his sunglasses and pocketing them. A glance in the mirror revealed no traces of bruising or tragedy. As he hugged Ms. Andrews and prepared to leave, she uttered a solemn reminder: "Tonrie, you do understand that I have to call Child Protective Services the moment you leave this room."

His nod conveyed an understanding of the repercussions that awaited him.

During lunchtime on that same day, Tonrie and Dash huddled at a secluded table, discussing an escape plan. Tonrie confided, "We need a plan, Dash. CPS is likely coming, and I can't go back into the system."

Dash, always quick-witted, proposed a code word—something fast and discreet. "If my mom and dad can get first notice, they'd take you in a heartbeat. They just need to know first, that's all." He thought and a brain storm brewed. "How about a code word, something fast and quick to text, that we would never use in normal use, like… Code Omega, the end." ," he suggested.

Tonrie, sensing the urgency, nodded in agreement.

Dash explained the plan: "If and when CPS show up, shoot me a text of just 'Code Omega' and I'll program my phone to auto forward that to mom & dads phone." that would trigger an automatic alert to Dash's parents, who would be ready to take Tonrie in.

Tonrie again nodded but liking this plan more. 

"Myself, mom & dad will meet you at the police station, before CPS can make any calls. … And when they do get there…." Dash searched the internet on his phone for the inspection checklist for all foster homes. "We will already have everything that they would want, ask, or need, waiting for them before they arrive." 

Hope filled Tonrie's face, and nodded in agreement, "Code Omega it is." 


Back in the trailer, the chime of Dash's acknowledgment brought Tonrie into swift action. Anticipating this day, he grabbed his prepped "Bug Out Bag" and changed into his escape clothes. Racing to the window, he threw his bag out and leaped, landing on the unkempt lawn with a swift motion.

Gathering his bag, Tonrie raised his hands in surrender to the police and CPS agents outside, shouting, "I'm Tonrie Aklas! I'm here! I'm right here!" The agents signaled him over as two officers rushed to his side.

His father seeing his son surrender and abandon him so swiftly sent him into a primal rage like none before. Roaring at the top of his lungs and shoving the two officers aside, forcing his way thru them. 

Terror and dread swept over Tonrie like he had never dealt before as the sight of his barbaric patriarch thrashed. He was brought to his senses as the CPS agents wrapped their arms around him ushering him into the agency car. 

His father roared, and suddenly face went flat and jittery, as two tazer cables struck him in the abdomen, sending electrical shocks rendering his rampage mute, and letting gravity take him to the floor. 

Tonrie sat in the agent's car and buckled in tightly, holding on to his bag with all his life. 

"Hello Tonrie my name is…" the young female agent tried to introduce herself.

 Before she could finish, he snapped, "Go! Drive!" Adrenaline surged through him as the car sped away, leaving behind the trailer—a place of torment he vowed never to see again.