Vacation Plans

The month of May raced forward, bringing the impending end of the school year and the looming final exams. The news of blue meteors approaching Earth's moon stirred curiosity and excitement among the students. As academic tension mounted, three students embarked on different adventures, each facing unique challenges and embracing the last moments of high school.


Tonrie found himself on the school bus, gazing out of the window at the passing scenery. For the first time in his life, a twinge of longing hit him—he missed his father. The past few months had been perfection personified. The bus wound its way through lush valleys and snaked up verdant hills, carrying the seniors to the pristine mountain retreat for the "Senior Camping Trip." Tonrie's chest swelled with a mix of emotions: excitement for the weekend ahead, yearning for his father's company, but content to leave Mr. Aklas and Ms. Andrews alone for the date weekend they had planned.

The bus echoed with senior banter and laughter, casting aside the weight of impending exams for the thrill of the imminent trip. Tonrie joined in the jovial camaraderie, feeling the celebration vibe—a last hurrah before stepping into the unknown beyond graduation. Despite the cramped quarters, spirits soared, bound by the anticipation of creating lasting memories in the mountain retreat.

The vibrant surroundings and infectious enthusiasm created an ambience of celebration. It was a moment to relish the freedom and camaraderie, a pause before the intensity of final exams and the conclusion of high school.


In a jeep traversing the remote desert, Andi and her father engaged in discussions about the approaching meteor phenomena. The desert, characterized by arid expanses and extreme temperatures, seemed lifeless yet held an allure for stargazing. Andi absorbed the stark beauty—the barren grandeur stretching in all directions, the horizon against a cloudless sky. Despite the harshness, there was an unexpected majesty in the desolate landscape.

Andi's anticipation grew as she discussed the celestial event with her father. His expertise and passion transformed the barren desert into an exhilarating experience. Despite initial uncertainties, Andi looked forward to the nightfall, eager to witness the celestial dance of meteors under her father's guidance.


Meanwhile, Dash navigated the bustling airport, laptop bag slung over his shoulder. Immersed in thoughts of the upcoming E-Sport tournament, he briskly moved through the terminal. The airport hummed with travelers, but Dash's focus remained on the imminent competition. The vibrant atmosphere and the prospect of showcasing his gaming skills fueled his excitement, making the journey exhilarating.

The airport's energy buzzed around him as he headed towards the event, fully prepared to give his best shot and leave his mark in the competitive gaming realm. Despite his sharp mind and academic potential, Dash embraced this weekend as an opportunity to immerse himself in the thrilling world of competitive gaming, eager to prove his prowess.