Meteor Shower

The clock crept past 4 or 5 am, marking the witching hours of the night. The campsite lay under a sky kissed by a myriad of twinkling stars, their luminescence casting a soft, ethereal glow across the landscape. The moon, a gentle guardian above, showered its silvery radiance, painting the cabins and tents in a serene palette of celestial hues.

The seniors, weary from the day's activities, slumbered soundly within the confines of their quarters. In the cabins, shadows played a delicate dance upon the walls, cloaking the sleeping figures of Tonrie and his companions. Each rhythmic breath stirred a semblance of life in the otherwise tranquil dorms. 

Outside, the night held a serene calmness, embracing the camp in a tender embrace. The foliage rustled in a symphony conducted by a gentle breeze, its murmurs an ode to the serenity of the hour. The stillness was palpable, accentuated by the quiet hum of nocturnal creatures that called the night their domain.

The campsite, nestled within nature's embrace, basked in the peacefulness of the late night hour, where even the most subtle of movements carried the weight of tranquility. All remained hushed, wrapped in the cocoon of a serene and undisturbed night.


In the vast expanse of the arid desert, where the night sky held sway over the dunes and the silence reigned supreme, Andi nestled in her tent, enveloped by the darkness. The desert's stillness was disturbed only by the gentle rustling of the wind through the dunes, whispering ancient secrets to the night.

Suddenly, a vivid burst of blue brilliance disrupted the serene darkness. The midnight canvas turned into a mesmerizing spectacle as a radiant streak of celestial luminescence cut through the black expanse. The azure light seared across the sky, illuminating the arid landscape in an ethereal blue hue.

Startled from her slumber, Andi bolted upright, her senses immediately on high alert. In the remote and silent desert, she witnessed this breathtaking celestial display. Though far in the distance, the luminous phenomenon dominated the heavens, casting a mesmerizing glow across the darkened desert floor.

From her vantage point, Andi observed the radiant streak flash across and behind nearby rock masses, knowing the impact site lay not too far, close enough for her to reach on her dirt bike swiftly. The stunning sight beckoned her to venture forth and explore the mysterious event that had set the night ablaze with its luminous display.


In the tranquil mountainous landscape, a meteorite hurtled past the camping seniors, slicing through the serene night sky with incredible speed. Its bluish fiery trail briefly lit up the dark heavens, a fleeting spectacle that captured the attention of the slumbering campers.

With a sudden and explosive impact, the meteorite crashed on the far side of the lake from the seniors' camp. The resulting shockwave was devastating, tearing through the air with a powerful force that shattered windows, sending debris flying, instantly emptying the lake of it's contents, and causing a massive crater to form rapidly. The ground shook violently, the impact reverberating across the landscape.


Dash was completely passed out in his hotel room, far and safe from any celestial phenomenon.


At Andi's camping spot in the arid desert, a separate meteorite collided on the other side of the rocky ridge. Its arrival rattled the earth, causing a commotion amidst the vast expanse of the desert. Flames erupted upon impact, the fire licking the desert sand and creating a blazing spectacle amidst the quiet night.

The two separate impacts, distant yet impactful, unleashed chaos and altered the peaceful night, signifying a profound event that would draw both Tonrie and Andi toward the mysterious remnants of the celestial arrival.


As dawn broke over the campsite nestled amidst the mountains, the first light of morning illuminated the scene.

Amidst the chaos caused by the meteorite crash, Tonrie, along with other seniors, actively engaged in relief work. The atmosphere buzzed with a sense of urgency as students tended to the injured, assisting with minor cuts and injuries caused by shattered glass and debris.

A flicker of blue light, caught Tonrie's attention briefly, and pulled his gaze towards the lake, noticing an unusual glow emitting from its depths. The morning sunlight reflected on the water's surface, highlighting an inexplicable luminescence that seemed to emanate from within, captivating his curiosity amidst the chaos of the aftermath.


Meanwhile, in the arid desert, the rising sun cast its golden hues across the horizon, gradually dispelling the darkness of the night. Andi remained awake, her attention fixed on the distant meteorite crash site. Her father, despite the cataclysmic event, remained fast asleep in their tent, seemingly unfazed by the nocturnal disturbances. His deep slumber persisted, even amidst the upheaval that had unfolded in the desert overnight.

As the desert landscape slowly basked in the growing light of the rising sun, Andi was well into her plan of action. Her dirt bike stood packed and ready, a testament to her readiness to explore the aftermath of the meteorite crash. The golden rays of the morning sun cast long shadows across the arid terrain, accentuating the stark beauty of the desert.

With a sense of urgency, Andi mounted her bike, the engine roaring to life as she maneuvered through the rugged terrain. The crunch of gravel beneath her tires echoed through the silent desert, contrasting with the peaceful tranquility that usually enveloped the area at this time of day.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, its intense rays beating down on the desert floor. Undeterred by the relentless heat, Andi remained determined, her gaze fixed on the distant crash site where the meteorite had impacted the scorched earth on the other side of the mountain ridge.


Entranced by the glowing blue light on the far side of the quickly refilling lake, Tonrie steadily walks towards it. 

His feet passing the previous water line, over muddied ground, debris from the lake's interior scattered among the wreckage. Soon he reached the new shoreline of the lake emptied by the meteors impact, now refilling with water from the lake's primary water resource.

Then the water surpassed his knees, to his hips, to his chest, then soon he dove in for full freestyle swimming towards the glowing light. 


In the desert, Andromeda pulls her dirt bike up to the smoldering smoking crater, it looks as if a giant mouth was gaping up from the grounds's depths. The surrounding flora emblazoned by the meteors impact. Andi's eyes, fixated on a radiating glowing blue stone in the center of the crater. Her gaze and movements in a trance, as she helplessly drops her bike on the ground and slowly walks into the crater.


Tonrie takes a deep breath and dives down into the water. About 15 feet (5 meters) down is a softball sized stone, radiant glowing blue in the depths. His eyes reflecting the iridescent Blue as he swam deeper and deeper.


In two different areas, two different impact sites, two humans, entranced by two glowing pieces of alien alchemy, reach out towards the light. 

At the same moment, they touch it, with a blinding flash of blue light.

Then black nothingness.