
Tonrie sat on a weathered bench, surrounded by the bustling activity of the university campus. His mind swirled with the weight of his recent losses—the unexpected departure of his father, the shattered dreams of attending college. Emotions surged within him, forming a tempest that he struggled to contain.

In an instant, the turmoil within Tonrie reached a crescendo. Overwhelmed by grief, anger, and frustration, he let out a deafening scream that echoed through the campus, an expression of his profound emotional agony.

As his scream reverberated, an unseen force pulsed from Tonrie, a manifestation of his uncontrollable water manipulation powers. Around him, every drop of water, from the pipes to the fountains, pools, and beverages, began to react violently. Water rapidly heated, bubbling and boiling, transforming into thick columns of steam that rose into the air with an unstoppable force.