Special Delivery

In a dimly lit alley, the ambiance was gloomy and the air heavy with tension as steam wafted from the vents, cloaking the scene in an eerie mist. A band of masked figures were attempting to breach the rear entrance of a building, their actions furtive and shadowy in the scant light.

"Freeze!" A voice, veiled by a black ski mask, echoed through the alley, a bold yet somewhat uncertain command from the unknown figure standing with somewhat wavering resolve.

The thugs paused their efforts, exchanging derisive glances among themselves. One of them, dripping with sarcasm, retorted, "and who are you supposed to be? Captain Sweatshirt?" His mocking tone amplified the tension in the air.

"We don't have time for this, get rid of him!" The leader's terse command sliced through the banter as he directed his companions to continue their task.