Lock and Load

"Ugh, I couldn't do a thing to that...that...Goliath!" Tonrie expressed with frustration, pacing back and forth in the basement, "And the only thing I did was lose control; I don't even want to know the aftermath of my actions," 

Dash, with his fingers flying across the keyboard, pondered aloud, " Water is strong, but not very good against a heavily armored target...you need something lightweight, water-filled, easily attachable to your suit—unassuming, serving both as a melee and projectile weapon."

Images of different superhero weapons scrolled across the screens: Oddly shaped boomerangs, baseball bats, shields, kali, tonfa, bo staves. Tonrie reminisced, "I saw some LPU guys playing Ultimate Discus and Disc Golf at the park. I remember thinking how easy it would be if one was wet, I'd get a touchdown and a hole in one every time!"