The Chase

Back at the basement base, Andi hurriedly left the room, covering her mouth, while Tonrie roared in pain, extracting the poison from his neck in a gruesome glob of bloody water.

"Grooooosss!!!" Dash exclaimed, a bandage and wrap in hand.

"I think I got it all…" Tonrie panted, holding a globule of water, blood, and poison, a single stinger floating within. "Let's never do that again, please." He froze it solid and chucked it into the sink.

"I am starting to think our basic first aid kit is not going to cut it for you two," Dash remarked, returning the bandage to his small 5-inch medical kit.

"Moving on," Tonrie said, getting up and holding the bandage to his neck. "Where'd that car go?" He pointed to Dash's monitor.

"It seems to be heading out of town. The satellite imagery is having a hard time tracking it. It's a very basic car, and the dish is moving out of orbital range," Dash explained.