The Swarm

"Guys! Can you hear me?!" Dash's voice echoed urgently over the comms, laced with worry and dread. But his calls were met only with silence on the other end of the line.

Meanwhile, on the serene back porch of a countryside cottage, Hydrocity and Zenith lay slumped over a weathered wooden table, their bodies succumbing to the effects of a potent sleeping additive cleverly slipped into their tea.

"Wake up!" Dash's voice reverberated once more through the intercom. Though their life signs on his computer indicated they were alive, their shallow breathing and sluggish heartbeats betrayed the deep slumber they were in. Desperation etched across his face, Dash seized a microphone, cranking up the volume to maximum and directing it towards his intercom mic, creating a piercing feedback noise that pierced the quiet air.