
Like a bolt of lightning, Zenith darted out of the apartment and onto the fire escape, swiftly navigating her way to the rooftop just as the Lindingarde Police descended upon Brenda's residence. With calculated precision, she bounded to the nearest building, utilizing her newfound abilities to soar effortlessly through the air. From her elevated perch, she observed the unfolding scene below as the officers moved in to apprehend Brenda, who raised her hands in surrender without resistance.

Meanwhile, inside the apartment, Brenda was being swiftly restrained with handcuffs as the officers recited her rights. "Brenda Aklas, you are under arrest for Grand Larceny and Identity Theft. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law," they intoned solemnly. As Brenda was escorted away, a mix of defiance and irritation flashed across her features.