An Enigma!

As Amara found herself captivated by the mysterious man with golden eyes, her thoughts raced with curiosity about his identity. She couldn't shake off the enchantment of his presence, his smile feeling like a serene embrace amidst the bustling party atmosphere. Little did she know, her innocent inquiry about him had caught the attention of those around her, sparking curiosity among her colleagues.

A sudden sound distracting all her thoughts "Amara, what are you smiling for?"

Amara looked at Sarah, the one who questioned, her becoming the subject all of a sudden as even the other gazes were looking forward for her reply!

Sarah watched Amara being completely silent; her smile long ago faded.

While Amara processed herself of what just happened, she was too stunned to see a man with golden eyes, his appearance and smile bewitching, that she probably had her response go unnoticed! Did she actually smile back?!

If not for Sarah pointing it out, she might have never knew it.

"Head, are you alright? Should we perhaps...leave?!" Sarah meticulously questioned.

Amara gave out a shook, "It is just me reconsidering what I have seen!"

"And.....what did you see?!" Ralph's curiosity was piqued.

Amara's immediate reaction was to recheck what she had seen, the man, now mysteriously disappeared, invisible to her gaze.

"Is it possible for a human to have....golden eyes?!"

Her question took them by surprise, including Oliver.

"What and who are you talking about?" Sarah couldn't help but question, her gaze immediately searching for the person whom Amara just have claimed to see, despite her unawareness about the 'human'.

Amara then confessed that she did see someone, a man, with golden eyes, which she still couldn't believe.

Ralph, Sarah and Oliver trying their best to process the situation, silently measuring the possibility of it.

"Seems isn't just a tale!!" Oliver murmured to himself, which was clearly heard thanks to the silence their thought process provided.

"And what's that tale?!" Amara and Sarah questioned in unison.

If Amara was once the subject, now, was Oliver.

He took a brief silence of exchanging his stare from each as if calculating the pros and cons of his upcoming response, until he cleared his voice!

"I'm not sure about the accuracy of the information but I think the person our Head had seen....he could be the Chairman's son!"

Chairman's son?!

It came by surprise to all of them.

"Doesn't this wedding belong to his son?!" Sarah questioned.

"Are you somehow implying that the Chairman has another child?!" Amara expressed her doubt.

Ralph thought about it, "I suppose not however, if it is the truth, why aren't there any information or news about him, like the Managing Director?"

"Exactly! Even if the Chairman had any other child, why isn't he famous, unlike his brother?!" Sarah, too, thought the question made sense!

Oliver shook his head being unsure, "I don't have any idea, however, it's about few rumours that I heard while working that makes me conclude it's him!"


Interesting!! More espeacially if you're a journalist!!

Oliver continued "Rumours has that he's an adopted child of the chairman, the one who is working as the present CEO, thanks to chairman's insistence! Moreover, it seems that, he might really be highly confidential, for no one particularly knows his whereabouts!"

"Adopted son over the real one? Quite interesting!" Ralph nodded at himself!

"I think that's the reason the youngest son of the Chairman, Roshan Richardson ended up being MD instead of CEO" Sarah spoke as a matter of fact!

Amara wondered of what did the man even do that made the chairman prioritise him over his own blood son! "And what about his eyes?!", of course, the question was still alive.

"I heard them speaking about him wearing a mask everytime he visits the office as he rarely does so, choosing to do the work from home! His secretive nature is often assumed as an act to conceal his golden eyes which an emplyee accidentally had witnessed!" Oliver explained!

"Just an assumption though, for it's quite unbelievable! However, you witnessing it makes me reconsider the thought!!" He added.

"There's no smoke without the fire, isn't it?!" Ralph pointed out.

"You having this much amount of knowledge about Richardson's family is quite wondering, Oliver! For, even I lack in it!!" Amara sighed as she pointed out.

Oliver let it slide with a shook and a smile "The benefits of being a journalist, Head! Even gossips are considered, aren't they?"

Sarah laughed, "Well, the man's existence is an epitome for the confidentiality of Richardsons!"

Well, they agreed! It is!!

"The chairman's adopted son; the CEO of golden eyes!!" Sarah tapped on the table twice, excitedly, "Amara, what do you say? Shall we include this in the article?! If yes, the title would perfectly suit!!"

Amara shook her head with a sigh, "We're here to cover the happy moments, Sarah! Why spoil them by writing stuff inspired by mere gossips?!"

"Not completely a gossip when it's you who witnessed it Amara, the eyes?!" Ralph suggested as well.

Oliver though didn't speak, Amara was sure he was considering it by the way he looked at her.

Amara got on her feet checking her hand-watch, "Enough the talk, we're late! Let's get going!!" and without even waiting for them, she left the place!

Ralph shook his head, "I'm not gonna take care of the stuff, all by self again!!" he complained.

Oliver laughed for the first time through the whole conversation, "I'll help you out in that!"

"I'll assist Amara in waiting for you both then!!" Sarah said with a wink as she followed out Amara!

Ralph scoffed and they both together took care of the stuff, rearranging it in the company's car!

They all left the conventional hall, and had their dinner in a near by restaurant as everyone were hungry. Soon after their supper, everyone departed to their homes. Sarah and Ralph went together. Sarah had to drop Ralph as he was not having a car with him. And Oliver asked Amara to take a seat in his car, as her car was yet to be repaired.

Amara denied, however, "It appears to me that it might rain soon! Please don't deny me!" Oliver tried to convince.

Amara took a look up at the sky, which now had declared the sunset, the darkest clouds taking over it. Perhaps, he was right and she should accept his request?!

Amara gave an accepting nod as she got into his car, moreover, her feeling tired made her easily give in to his proposal.

While travelling, Oliver started a conversation to end the silence which somehow felt awkward.

"Head, do you really think the RENOWA's CEO hides himself cause of his eyes?"

Amara though was somehow surprised by Oliver's initiative to question despite her already indirectly ending the conversation, couldn't help but wonder if Oliver's interest was also piqued. However, her understanding of him being someone who is least active in socializing, and would prefer private talk over public talk, could justify his act.

"I don't really think it as a reason, Oliver!" Amara expressed herself, leaning back in her seat, "If he literally wanted to hide himself, because of his eyes, he then probably wouldn't attend the event, would he? But he did! There might be some other reasons!"

She took a deep breath, looking outside the way, "Moreover, I believe, gossips can lead to assumptions but shouldn't lead to conclusions!!" Amara honestly said.

"And if the person was really interested in hiding himself then it's fine to not interfere!!" Amara replied nonchalantly.

Oliver nodded thoughtfully while Amara's thoughts travelled back to that person's beautiful gaze, his peaceful smile. Why did he even attend the party if he wanted to hide? Wait! Why did he even smile at her? Does he know her? She didn't think so, she had never ever heard of him until today, let alone seeing him!!

However the most wondering yet at the same time bothering question was that, why did she even smile back?!

Her thoughts ceased as the car took a halt, forcing her to realise that they have arrived.

"Head, we've arrived." Announced Oliver.

Amara nodded, getting off the car with a smile, thanking Oliver for dropping her.

However, Amara soon turned back asking Oliver " Do you have any idea about that person's..... name? I mean, that golden eyed person?!"

Oliver watched her for a second in silence, unknown of why would she want to know that while at the same time trying to remember if he knew the answer. A trial that only seemed to fail after him remembering all the scenarios from the event but still not being able to remember or recall it!

Oliver gave a shook being unsure, "Hmm... I don't think I know for many people referred him by his profession as a CEO!!"

Amara felt a sense of defeat deep inside suddenly, with no particular reason, "Alright then!" she said with a sigh as she began to leave.

Oliver watched her leave, distance taking up space between them slow by slow, and all of a sudden, he called out for her, remembering the particular name he heard a man say regarding the CEO.

Amara turned back as she watched him say, " may be Daniel! I think that's his name!!"

"Are you sure?!" Amara asked for clarification.

"Yes head, it's Daniel!!" Oliver assured.

Amara nodded with a smile, "Thanks again, good night!"

"It's my pleasure head, good night!!" Oliver greeted back.

Amara watched him leave, his car slowly getting out of her sight. Her body and mind, emotionally and physically felt tired and drenched! She could think about nothing but rest at present as she made her way in, however, the sight of her punctured tyres bothered her.

She knew she should fix it now else she would be delayed to her work tomorrow again!!

She had no option left, she thought with a frustrated sigh, deciding to fix the mess.

Amara felt herself even more tired as she began to work, her body soon getting bathed in her own sweat!

The sky roared in thunders, an echo that forced her to work faster, fear of getting wet in rain bothering her.

As time passed by, she was getting nearer to the completion of task and suddenly it began to rain!

Frustration completely took over her. What was wrong with today and her? Everything about today was bothering!!

By the time she was done with the work, she was fully drenched in rain, her clothes stubbornly sticking to her body.

With no time being wasted, she rushed inside, reaching for the door to unlock it. As she attempted to get in, her leg hit something, forcing her to look down, her wet hair sticking against her face, troubling her view.

Crouching down, Amara checked what it was, which surprisingly seemed to be a parcel, wrapped....with gift cover?!

A gift? For her?!

Who could have sent it?