"As the previous master in charge, for the wrong doing of taking advantage of your position and the ignorance towards your responsibility;"
Zamiel held his breath.
"I, Zepar Xezbeth," the man took a deep breath, "hereby declare your punishment of two months prison in Nether Land!!"
Zamiel remained silent, his head bowing in acceptance.
"However, it's merely a punishment." The man took his attention, "the stolen thing comes with a curse!!"
His breath took a halt, curse? He looked at his master in a blend of fear and confusion.
"The reason behind the act shall never find its contentment!!"
His eyes widened, "That cannot happen!!" he blurted.
"You cannot change it, Zamiel!" Zepar softly added.
Zamiel kneeled down begging, "Guide me to a cure, I beg you master, please!!"
The man looked hesitant.
"The curse....is the unavoidable, however..... the reason behind my act, doesn't deserve it!!"
"Please, help me with a cure!!"
He just did what seemed right to him as a master of Zyanya, however, it did have some greediness. Yet, Amara didn't deserve it!!
Zepar with a sigh, closed his eyes briefly before looking back at Zamiel, "There's a cure!" he said, witnessing the immediate glitter in the man's eyes. "The reason behind the act, shall find its reason to live!!"
Zamiel just stared the man in silence.
"Only that would help, until, it would suffer!!" Zepar added.
Zamiel recalled what happened as he stood at the entrance of the Nether Land. He never in his life had think of himself being a reason for Amara's suffering. All he wished for was her happiness.
And, he ended up bringing a curse.
She thought he was her blessing, while it seemed like, a....curse!
Zamiel sighed as he walked ahead, witnessing few soldiers standing in the corners of the every stair on each side. The path leading to the spiritual barrier surging with a strong energy.
He could clearly witness the confusion of his presence in the eyes of the men as he slowly ascended the steps.
However, when he stepped onto the third stair, a soldier stopped him, making him halt, "Who are you?" he questioned.
Zamiel with a sigh, calmly answered, "I am an immortal who got sentenced to Nether World for two months!". With that Zamiel attempts to continue, yet, them speaking again momentarily stops him.
"I wonder what you did to be here!!" Another man said pretentiously concerned.
"Whatever it is, it's a great sin, for, no one ever in centuries have visited here!!" Other man commented.
"Could you kindly give me way?!" Zamiel asked with an almost annoyed sigh.
"We cannot stop you, however, we would like to say you, to be careful! It's been centuries that we are gaurding here, and we have never seen a person entering here! Even if anyone did in past, they never came out," The guard who stood at the last stair said with a low sigh, "and the world in there is full of ancient demons and monsters who got stuck, more to say they were sentenced to stay there for an eternity and we are gaurding here so that they won't be escaping, which would create a chaos."
"The place is charged with negative energy, be careful!!" He added.
Zamiel smiled, "Thanks for your concern!" and just saying that, he headed ahead.
The barrier let him enter in, the scenery; as though having him emerged into it.
As soon as Zamiel stepped in, having himself entered into an another world, the barrier itself went back to normal.
He knew, now whatever happens, he can never go back without his punishment getting completed.
He had heard different tales about this world in the early phase of his immortality, that, one can easily enter but coming out is something different.
Zamiel sighed, he would never regret this, however, the curse did gave him the taste of regret.
Motivating himself by promising to get out of here no matter what, to protect Amara, Zamiel walked into the newness.
Observant about his surroundings, his senses high on alert.
Rocks, trees with its areal roots spread all over around them. Nothing seemed strange yet he could feel it in the air. There was light, yet, a sense of darkness embracing.
As he gazed up into the sky, his stare settled at the highly stood mountains at far, gracefully spreading its essence wide around. Its peak; as though touching the sky, mesmerizingly erasing the miserable distance between the land and the sky.
As he walked ahead, he could see more of the place, vast grasslands with different kind of trees and rocks; huge to small!! And he witnessed a massive hill with a cave settled in it, as though it's a part of it, at its peak.
Zamiel couldn't help but gaze the cave, a sigh escaping him.
He, all of a sudden, swiftly bent to the side, the strong demonic force applied on him from behind missing its target, colliding with a tree.
Zamiel hissed as he witnessed the tree instantly burning down, with a shake he turned back.
"Such an impressive way to welcome people!!" Zamiel smirked at the man who stood high on a rock, his attire somewhat different for him to comprehend; giving out an impression of ancientness with its silky multilayer cloth of purple with a blend of red.
"Who are you?" The man questioned nonchalantly ignorant towards Zamiel's quipping.
"Considering the welcome, you still think I would like to introduce myself?!" Zamiel wondered with a raised brow.
"I repeat, who are you? And why are you here?!" The man slightly tilted his head as he questioned, as though warning him for the last time.
Zamiel sighed, "Let's maintain peace, shall we?!"
"It's Zamiel, and I am sentenced to stay her for two months."
The man almost was about to laugh at the word 'peace', "Sentenced for what?!" he chuckled.
Zamiel nodded looking away briefly before shrugging, "That's none of your business, I guess?"
"I mean no harm, anyway!" Zamiel added.
The man chuckled, "You can never be too!!"
"Underestimation is a fool's mistake, my father taught!!"
The man, not at all tolerable by Zamiel's words, again attacked, a burning fire ball escaping his hand, aiming Zamiel with a speed unnoticed.
Zamiel was quick enough to dodge it, effortlessly pushing it back to its owner with his palm.
However the man dodged it with ease, as though swaying it away in air, resulting in an another tree getting burnt down.
"You are an immortal!" The man commented almost in a declaration way.
"You somehow seem upset by the fact!"
"You immortals are the reason why we ended up here!" The man said with a deep blend of sorrow and anger settling in his eyes, "And now, after centuries, you guys dare to come here too!"
"If the situations weren't on your side back then, you guys would be in our places and we in yours'!!" The man chuckled bitterly.
"See, I am not interested in any rivalry! Do not provoke me and I will not do anything bad!" Zamiel put it out ease, asking for a peace treaty.
"You dare to challenge!" The man chuckled, soon a smirk taking over him, "You are only one and we...." his smirk widens into a sinister smile as few more demons join, surrounding Zamiel from all the sides, "you can't beat us even if you want to!!" he said with superiority.
Zamiel couldn't help but smile, looking them all standing with their swords already wielded. "Ain't really going away without a fight?!" he asked with a soft smile.
No change, their predatory gaze settled right on him. "Alright!!" Zamiel said to himself looking down briefly.
His eyes shifting to a pure golden colour as he looked up with a smirk, summoning his sword which glowed with its burning fire as he wielded it, ready to attack.
A man, dressed all in black, running, hurriedly reached the door, knocking it in a rush!
"Come in!" A deep voice echoed.
The man flung the door open, panting, witnessing him leisurely seated in his armchair, his eyes shut.
"What's the matter, Feng?" He enquired low.
Feng looked hesitant, and the silence made the man look at him, opening his eyes.
"What is it?" He repeated his question, his voice deeply menacing.
"The spirits...." Feng stuttered.
The man's eyes widened, leaning forward. "What's with that, now?"
"They disappeared!!" Feng announced with a sigh!
A brief silence followed, until the man cleared his voice, his gaze suspicious, "How come?"
Feng looked down, "I kept witnessing a speed movement in them since the last week, I didn't know what to do."
"I thought they were again trying to escape, as in the beginning," Feng sighed, "but today, they totally disappeared!!"
High speed movements? How come?! "One week!!" He whispered looking away, "Early information, Feng!!"
Feng looked away, "How long had you thought you could prison them anyway?" he chuckled.
The man lost his patience, his eyes turning a dark blood red as he looked back at him, his suddenly raised hand emitting a force so strong which Feng couldn't stop or dodge, the man choking him to death, effortlessly.
"How dare you speak back to me?!" The man threateningly voiced.
"It's just the time doing justice!!" Feng spoke with difficulty as he clutched onto his neck, his body floating in the air due to the heavy demonic force applied on him. Feeling suffocated.
The hatred towards the word just increased in the man as he heard it again. With a sway of hand, he let Feng go, him falling down onto the ground with a thud sound, ground reverberating with his fall.
"Do you even know how hard for me was it to fake the fate? All I said you was one, to watch over the souls, and you failed in that as well!!" The man yelled.
Feng, gathering up himself, slowly got on his feet, "I've been doing my work, if not, they wouldn't be prisoned for whole two years!!"
"Do you think your explanation will help me in any way?!"
Feng looked away, holding back his disgust towards the man.
"Get out of my view!!" The man then commanded turning away.
Feng stood in silence for a moment before leaving the place, shutting the door. Leaving the man alone.
All of a sudden, how did this happen?!
Disappearance of spirits.....
Does that mean, they are alive now?? How could it be?
His palms balled up into a fist, resulting all the glass furniture in the room getting broken.
His goal was different, however, was this his failure?!
Definitely not!!
He will take his revenge, no matter what!!
No one can stop him!
"No one can stop this Damien!!" He yelled, the echo of his voice breaking all the furniture around.