
An angel ran, trailing her crimson feathers and blood in the snow.

She could have destroyed the people who had harmed her, but this was not a war. People did not need to die just because they couldn't accept the consequences of the decisions she made.

They'd cut one wing from her back, but still, she continued, stopping only when she saw the light of the small, one-person camp.

A woman stood up, more massive than a standing bear, dressed in grey armor adorned with symbols shaped like eyes. "Your wing..."

"Calm yourself, Halie, I'll live. What's important is the child..." the angel responded as her new companion moved swiftly, gathering spare cloth to wrap tightly around the stub that remained of the angel's right wing.

"So it is done then," the armored woman, Halie, asked as she finished tying off her makeshift bandage. She came around and then grimaced as she saw the bundled form of the babe in the angel's arms. "I warned you not to have the child in a city."

Quickly she drew a sword from thin air, stored with magic, and set it in the fire to heat. It would be needed soon, to cauterize the wound.

"There was no time... it took ages just to learn how to summon the power, and with him coming after me, I had to use it right away. My accord with that being demanded it, so I chose. It will take many years for me to control it... But one thing I know is, if I don't find the right place for this little one... all will be lost," the angel replied.

Halie took a deep breath. "So your vision... it is inevitable then."

"Yes... but it is not unchangeable. I have to believe that. I have to."

"I won't forgive these people... for what they've done to you," Halie said.

"Please refrain from anything rash, Halie. Hurting them won't heal me, and the city does not deserve to suffer for the actions of a few."

Perhaps it was the firmness in her voice that woke the babe.

It made a small sound, but then was silent, staring out at the world with purple eyes that glowed just a little. Staring out at the angel with a calmness she felt she did not deserve.

Halie frowned but looked at the babe's eyes, as if memorizing them, as the angel reached up and brushed her thumb along the child's forehead.

"Hush now... We're safe. No more angry people..." The angel cooed.

"What's the name?" Halie asked.

The angel stared down, bouncing the child in her arms, admiring the cherry red tuft of hair, with a hint of black at the roots.
