Amendatory Arcanics - Part 1

,"No one signed up for my class?!" Kir was incredulous as he stood across from Lumin in her office. It was still in her manor, but now her manor was at the very edge of the promontory where the school had once been.

Moving the structure had been quite the spectacle for the city, and even Kir wondered at the sheer tonnage being floated. He would learn later that the manor had once served as the Academy in the beginning of Norneau's history, and had been moved to make way for the towers that had replaced it.

"Don't feel too bad," Lumin said. "Everyone's still getting their feet underneath them with the new Academy, so it wasn't unexpected. Oh, but I suppose I should have phrased it better. Not enough students signed up for your class. I could hardly justify having you teaching only Kordia and her friend."

"You said I would be teaching special students. There aren't that many around in the first place."