
By the time he happened upon the camp, Kir realized he'd neglected to acquire some rather essential details from the houndkin woman.

Chief amongst them was the identity of her husband.

At that point, dawn had already crept over the horizon, and thus he landed at the remains of a camp that was already abandoned. He knew it was the right one, however, because of the deep tracks that had been left in the mud by the carriage.

Judging by the prints on the ground, they were relying entirely on raptors with the exceptions of horses to draw the carriage.

More concerning, however, was the massive green and white form of a monster. By all appearances, it had been a bear that was overtaken by some sort of mutated foliage. One that used its bones like a skeleton. It lay carved open near the side of the road, its stalks carved up and the body of its massive flower carved open, likely to extract whatever ingredients or mana stones existed in it.