Love Game - Coda

The match against Jassiel was set to take place in the same arena.

After the disappointingly short duration of the last match, the rules were changed so that the fight would only end when someone surrendered or was unable to fight.

It made things harder, but at the same time...

"I think I like the new rules," Cassiel admitted as she finished reviewing them on her tablet. "This way Jassiel can't complain when we grind him into the ground."

"Yes angel," Rain replied flatly, a shade behind Ozzy.

Team Roc's first meetup since the last match was earlier in the morning, and Cassie had been too busy staring into her tablet as she answered questions for people to pay Rain too much attention.

Thinking about it, on the one hand, being ignored made sense. Cassie needed to worry about the fight, and their personal issues could be dealt with after.

On the other, being ignored made Rain wonder exactly what she thought of him.