
"Hide the gold," Kir said quickly, rushing for the door to see who was there as the spell-light abruptly cut off and a loud thud with metallic clinks sounded behind him.

Sounds like the transmutation was successful...

"Hi, Professor!" It was Keiya, and next to her...

"Is everything alright?" Ann asked, her arms full with a plate of pizza.

"Ann~nd who is this?" Kir started to say Ann's name before quickly turning to Keiya, hoping they didn't pick up on his recognition of the girl from his hometown.

"This is Ann, my girlfriend."

"Pleasure to meet you, uh, Ms. Thyestes." He looked down at the pizza, pretending to be surprised. "That smells quite delicious."

"Thank you! It's called 'pizza...' An old friend showed me how to make it and I finally put together the recipe... We made it together."