Cannot Be Mimicked

As Kir flung water blade after water blade into the mimic, hoping it would reduce enough for him to find out where the people were taken, he started to notice something.

Every time a tentacle wrapped around him, Mimzy would quiver, his living clothes rejecting the touch of the mimic that was most likely her parent - with Stella technically being its mother, having been implanted with the egg.

It was as if Mimzy were saying "Mine! Don't touch!" and Kir felt so grateful to not have his clothing betray him. Mimics were definitely solitary manavores, even against their own parents.

Kir still cut up those tentacles, not wanting them to get past him as the mimic switched from trying to grab him to trying to crush him. 

Large, fleshier appendages hardened to mimic stonework pounded the pavement as Kir dodged and sliced. A single bad hit was all it took to break Kir's physical shield, and with one hit, it crashed Kir into the stone wall of the house next door.