World Tree Amrita

The timing of the Lakewater Tears arrival at the world tree Amrita could not have been more resplendent.

Five days after setting out across the lake, and then switching to a river-boat, they came upon the sight of the world tree against a fiery orange sky, its still-green branches spreading into the air as they rustled, their edges greyed just a bit by accumulated ash, which seemed not to harm the tree at all as it flourished amidst a world that was rapidly turning grey-white with dirty snow, where it wasn't brown.

As far as everyone knew, "Kir" spent the boat ride seasick, part of minimizing his appearances while bringing Stella up to speed on everything that was expected for the class.

"Just remember to have Moshui or Kordia explain basic magic questions and don't say anything suggestive." Was Kir's parting advice to Stella.