In For An Enny...

If there was one benefit to his moonlighting as Ghostheart, it was that Kir was something of an expert in how to navigate the sewers of Norneau.

It helped that the city had been centrally planned - by Lumin - to have an efficient system of outflow pipes that ran beneath the main streets. A constant downward flow of water was maintained by magically siphoning water up through pipes that extended past the promontory on which the Academy was built, and because waste was pumped underneath this flow, the whole sewer was relatively clean except for the dust, damp, and spiders.

The drawing process also enriched the water with mana, so lighting wasn't a problem because glow moss proliferated along the seams of every wall.

He was able to direct Darlae on where to take Brigit in order to reach the academy without notice, and she promised to use the secret exit in the basement as soon as she could get Brigit away and on her feet.