Hot Pursuit

After the encounter with the builder drones, things went much smoother.

Ferro still had to restrain Star at times, but by not attacking they managed to duck out of sight and wait out the machines.

That was one problem solved, but another problem made itself apparent as the hours stretched by.


Ferro's stomach groaned. As light as Lawre was, carrying him for so long was draining, and Ferro hadn't exactly thought to bring food when he was grabbing his things to escape.

"Ugh, quiet that thing," Star said, peering around a bend at a group of drones that were passing through a wall of light.

"Have you ever been hungry in your life?" Ferro was sitting with Lawre collapsed next to him.

"Of course I have. But I only need to eat if I don't get enough mana, or to maintain my cover, and you graciously fed me right before we came inside."