The girls ran as fast as they could to the yellow panel, Malz blowing and then brushing off dust with her uninjured hand as she quickly translated the screen.
"Maintenance Due... not like anyone's been around for that..." She read until she found a button labeled "Override" and pressed that. A hiss sounded as the pod opened, and above it, the door in the outer shell opened in a cascade of dust.
"Shit!" Anko called out, and soon Malz understood why.
A piece of petrified mycelium lay across the gap meant for the escape vessel.
"I'll move it out of the way!" Anko said, jumping up with a surge of magic.
As soon as she disappeared, Malz surged up the short walkway and into the dead-aired interior of the pod.
There were seats, none of which looked like they'd be comfortable for her wing, all facing inward. A central console was lit up, suspended on an arm within easy reach of one side of the room.