When the man at the back said "Everyone attack!" the ballroom erupted into chaos.
Guests began to flee, the most powerful mages amongst them - the Marquis - standing their ground as they prepared spells to either cover for the guests or attack. The band started leaving, those with the most expensive instruments trying to pack quickly in a surreal state of calm as the conductor waved his wand and created a shield to cover them.
Kir let everyone prepare as he set Kangetsu on his shoulder, his tail curling as he cast a wide shield around himself, Kordia, Lapins, and Kassin.
Spells erupted a moment later, and Kir withstood the blows as he looked down to ask, "Kordia, are you alright?"
"Something's wrong with Silver... I need to get home... to Mora Lake..."
"Right now you need to get out of here," Kir said. "If I cover you, can you manage it?"
"I can try," Kordia answered.