The slight chill to the evening air of late spring could not dampen the spirits of the party goers who arrived by carriage at the gates of Montmorency Castle.
Rumors of the reappearance of Gra'Rhuel's lost prince and future princess drew in the curious and the scheming alike. Royals, ambassadors, and their guests queued in a long line as their invitations were received and their names loudly announced.
"Marquis Rymehart, and Lady Seflorian..."
Kordia and Kassin had been given the honored guest seats at the table with the Montmorency royals, and Kordia held herself alert and upright as she eyed the crowd, hoping her nervousness didn't come across too strongly.
The crystal was broken... She'd had so little time after her audience with the King and Queen and she'd wanted to tell Kir the news but it was broken and there was no backup plan and knowing Kir, he was definitely going to come...
"Mistrum Jane Stefan Sterling, Esquire..."