Contract Magic

Upon his return to camp, Kir found Char waiting for him with Rena, conversing over the equation Kir had been trying to teach the latter when the radio crystal had shattered. Specifically over the role of acceleration, which Rena thought of as the core concept whereas Char was advocating more for displacement as what she should focus on.

Rena seemed annoyed because Char understood the math just by having been in the room. Of course, Kainur had given his daughter an algebraic education, and by her own accounts, Char had performed many essential roles in his government, freeing up her father to seek personal power. She was certainly reliable, as Kir had discovered with each passing day.

He was loathed to break up their argument because a minute in he recognized how Char was subtly leading Rena into understanding the displacement equation better, but the prospect of how he would enthrone Lapins necessitated swift and decisive action.